Bots at Party $22 SNGs

Just a warning to anyone who plays these. The folks at 2+2 seem to be 100% sure of about 20 accounts that are bots. They are: avichts, ragra, frnchrev, lvstrg, thathy, hnglos, sanroad, micmonn, muller, trvndrm, remick2, mdwlrk, bmpcch, iluvaks, rswhlr, dabsop, josamart, cufutbl, pbnsub. Party's been told, but knowing them it could be awhile before these accounts are shut down so just be aware.

And I'd like to add that at least one of these accounts has been playing since February. Kinda sad that it took the players to realize something was wrong instead of Party's "security."


  • nothing new.
  • that is nothing new about partiespolicies. And if anyone wants to learn more about bots go to the forum on winholdem. pretty lame.
  • I know bots are nothing new... I'm just giving you some specific names to watch out for.
  • I have followed this thread since it's beginning (on 2+2) and I have never before been convinced their are WINNING bots playing on party. I am now. Party's response (and lack there of) is incredible... they have done nothing after being presented with pretty damning proof.
  • My play with 3 of them: (Their results)

    frnchrev: 7th
    josamart: 5th, 6th
    cufutbl: 7th

    Great bots!

    Looks like they play extremely tight, and when they bet they bet big! All their elimination hands are pretty crap though, k6, QT variety.
  • The Party 22s are so soft that if there are bots, I hope they bring their friends.
  • I wonder how Tiger fares against them.... :D
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