KWGM II SATELLITE TOURNEY - for all interested!

Hey all

  So, we've had enough interest in the KWGM II to hold a satellite tournament for the final two spots available;  here's how it'll work.

Anyone interested is welcome to play.... post in this thread to let me know you want in this satellite.  This is now the only way into the KWGM II ( ) 

The satellite will be held on THURSDAY APRIL 20TH AT 7:00 P.M.

Format:  SNG
Starting Chip count:  5000
Blind levels 25 minutes, nice and gentle (identical format to KWGM)
Cost:  $240 / # players (e.g. 10 players = $24 each)
Location:  To be announced.

So... get posting people and confirm!

Currently (expected) participants:

folded Cory
Pinhead Brad
Flintbones Andrew
Nordique Kevin
BigE Eric
ontilt Ron
King Mob Dave k.
Special K Kyle
Haddon Josh
The Prophet 22 Brent



  • O.K. -- two questions.

    1)  Where is the tourni?

    2) Can I play?

  • Please confrim me - I am assuming winning this satellite is set up to free roll you for the Grudge Match ?
  • Yeah I'm in.
  • 8ball wrote:
    O.K. -- two questions.

    1)  Where is the tourni?   Pinhead's - all confirmed players will get address/directions from me or Mark next week

    2) Can I play?    Nope, you're already in KWGM II so you don't need to qualify (correct me if I'm wrong here Mark but I'm assuming it's only for wildcard entries)

    TNORTH wrote:
    Please confrim me - I am assuming winning this satellite is set up to free roll you for the Grudge Match ?

    Correct, you will be setting me up to freeroll the Grudge Match. Thanks for the donation Tom :)
  • 8ball wrote:
    O.K. -- two questions.

    1) Where is the tourni?

    2) Can I play?


    You're already in, but you're lookin to play free eh?

    I"m not playing myself... I think we'll keep this to the non-in people... Sorry Tye. :)

  • I would need to know more details about when specifically, but yeah, I'd love to take more chips from Josh, er, I mean...I'd love to play!.

    Sean S
  •          Howdy Mark!

        If I ain't in already, I'm in now.

             Dave Kostis.
  • I am always happy to help you out Brad - might as well send a player who has a chance.
  • DrTyore wrote:
    8ball wrote:
    O.K. -- two questions.

    1)  Where is the tourni?

    2) Can I play?


    You're already in, but you're lookin to play free eh?

      I"m not playing myself... I think we'll keep this to the non-in people... Sorry Tye. :)


    Not a problem. Just thought I'd ask.

  • Sorry, I have to remove myself from the list. Thanks anyways...

    Sean S
  • Okay... looks like we've got the following people playing:

    - Tom TNORTH
    - Josh "Haddon"
    - Brad "Pinhead"
    - Dave "King Mob"
    - Eric "Big E"
    - Kyle "SpecialK"
    - Brent "The Prophet 22"
    - Pau "diddy"

    playing... so..... is there anyone else? I will be sending directions / times / expected costs on Wednesday, if I've missed anyone, or if you could just confirm, that'd be great!

  • Will the buy-in be adjusted depending on the number of participants??
  • I'm in Mark...depending on the night of course.

    I've sent PM's for those on the list above, and the location has been changed from "Pinhead" Brad's to "Haddon" Josh's house.... he's in Waterloo. IF YOU WANT IN YOU MUST PM ME TODAY!!

    I will check the forum at least once more today, and probably early tomorrow morning, but after that, there's no chance left in!

    I've sent the PM with directions / specifics to those on the list.

    Good luck tomorrow to those trying to freeroll their way into funding my bank account!

  • Thursday night is the one and only night my wife works, I'm kinda bummed I can't make it because the field is oh so weak....but good luck to all those that can.


  • Big E wrote:
    I'm kinda bummed I can't make it because the field is oh so weak....

    sarcasm, just in case you didn't pick up on it, looks like a tough table...and again, GL all!
  • Mark can you provide an update of who will be competing?
  • I'd also like to see a preview of the players that will be competing in the KWGM, like you did last time.

  • TNORTH wrote:
    Mark can you provide an update of who will be competing?

    Looks like

    "Haddon" Josh
    "TNORTH" Tom
    "King Mob" Dave
    "The Prophet 22" Brent
    "SpecialK" Kyle

    These players have confirmed... I've not heard from "Folded" cory / "Nordique" Kevin / "ontilt" Ron yet

  • I can't make it tonight.. I want to, but, the last week of tax season my office tends not to hand out the "see ya tomorrow @ 5:00 tickets"!
  • Mark you are the best.

    Wow - it has become a pretty short list - may as well have a raffle!

    I am not sure if I will be available for the final Saturday - due to the fact that is Police Week Open House that day.

    I am trying to see how much of the day I will be needed. I will keep you posted.

    Also there is a bit of a difference between the 10 person 24$ game and the 5 person $50 dollar game.

    I will have to see if anyone else decides to come on board - and if I can make it to the final event. I never even thought about dates until you mentioned it at G2s.

    Oh and congrats on your win.

    You like that sandwhich effect as a method to deliver possilbe bad news?
  • can i still get into this game?

    i'll try one of these out .. please let me know

  • Monksy... sorry.. I had left my place around 5:30...

    HOWEVER... it is said and done now, and the final two combatants are assigned.. check the thread, and vote!!

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