Game 6 Listing: Easter Bunny Bonanza!!

This is the list of a players for Thursdays' game. If you haven't reserved your seat yet, please do so ASAP. Thanks.

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2006-04-08 07:42:50
EElliott - Seat Reserved - 2006-04-08 09:13:36
BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - 2006-04-08 11:46:45
Derksen - Seat Reserved - 2006-04-10 08:10:09
FishBoy - Seat Reserved - 2006-04-10 08:53:29
Nikko - Seat Reserved - 2006-04-11 13:14:52
Nutcracker- Seat Reserved- 2006-04-11 14:51:30
BusDriver - Seat Reserved - via posting
TPower - Seat Reserved - via email
TONY - Seat Reserved - via email
BigGus - Seat Reserved - via email
Grant - Seat Reserved - via phone call


  • What about Nick? The guy in the e-mail

    BTW did any one look at the directions that STR82ACE sent to his place for Nick?

    I saw WHITE HOUSE POKER and couldn't figure why it was titled that way for a little while, I kept thinking to STR82ACE house white? Does he think his house looks like THE WHITE HOUSE?
  • Nick hasn't confirmed yet for this week, although he did tell me he was 95% certain he would be there.

    The White House Poker Rules and Directions were created a couple of years ago. Not because of any similiarities between me and George Bush.

    It's because of the blank look on BigChris's face when he BUSTS OUT!!

    Seriously, dude, did it take THAT long to figure out why? Jeez, man, just look at my email address!!! Sheesh. :D
  • Easter Bunny Bonanza - I think we should instigate a no rabbit-hunting rule for this week ;)
  • SHhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... I'm hunting wabbits.........hehehehehehehehe
    Elmer Fudd
  • I must defend my 2 time championship streak!

    Oh, this is game 6. I must be thinking ahead to game 7 already. :D

    Ha! and the Mrs. said, there might be some sort of week off, due to easter. She does't know that passover means pass over the deck, move the puck, and lets play some poker!

    P.S. I'm in
  • I must defend my 2 time championship streak!

    Oh, this is game 6.  I must be thinking ahead to game 7 already.  :D

    Ha! and the Mrs. said, there might be some sort of week off, due to easter.  She does't know that passover means pass over the deck, move the puck, and lets play some poker!

    P.S.  I'm in

    Passover as in you are going to pass over the Bracelet to some one else........(Normally I would say me but with my luck lately  I'm heading towards 2 time Chump streak)

    Although there maybe a good chance that the first week of May maybe off for Degree....or Cinco de Mayo your pick.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    Although there maybe a good chance that the first week of May maybe off for Degree....or Cinco de Mayo your pick.

    Actually, I was going to bring it up tomorrow night. A few of us lucky enough to get a seat are already slated for Thursday next week in Niagara. Registration time is 6:30 am!!! I'm sure our round will finish by noon or shortly thereafter. I'm one for calling next week a HOLIDAY week, but I will go with the majority on this one (dont' I always?). :D
  • Sorry guys but doesnt look like I will be able to come tomorrow night. Let me know about next week. But I have an exam on the 21st so I wouldnt mind the week off.

    Good luck to all tomorrow.
  • JHJ wrote:
    Sorry guys but doesnt look like I will be able to come tomorrow night.  Let me know about next week.  But I have an exam on the 21st so I wouldnt mind the week off.

    Good luck to all tomorrow.

    Time to pass JHJ in the points....... :D
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Actually, I was going to bring it up tomorrow night.  A few of us lucky enough to get a seat are already slated for Thursday next week in Niagara.  Registration time is 6:30 am!!!  I'm sure our round will finish by noon or shortly thereafter.  I'm one for calling next week a HOLIDAY week, but I will go with the majority on this one (dont' I always?).  :D

    AJ - don't you mean a couple weeks from now? I know you're excited and all....but the Degree game isn't until May 4th. :D
  • ElElliott wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Actually, I was going to bring it up tomorrow night.  A few of us lucky enough to get a seat are already slated for Thursday next week in Niagara.  Registration time is 6:30 am!!!  I'm sure our round will finish by noon or shortly thereafter.  I'm one for calling next week a HOLIDAY week, but I will go with the majority on this one (dont' I always?).  :D

    AJ - don't you mean a couple weeks from now? I know you're excited and all....but the Degree game isn't until May 4th. :D

    Quite so, quite so. Next week is STILL a regularily scheduled game. My bad.

    With JHJ out of the race this week, and maybe next, this is an excellent oppurtunity for the others to gather some much needed points and cash. And for the love of GOD...

    DON'T LET BUSDRIVER WIN AGAIN!! :rage: Can you imagine the horror of BusDriver being the first back-to-back Champ??? Be afraid...Be VERY afraid.
  • I guess it is going to be a light game to night......... :'(

    New additions to the players list just added!! Derek will be thrilled!! :D
  • Nice, all the more points for me. :D

    I count 11 players, so does that mean 2 tables? Looking forward to beating, I mean meeting, some new faces.

  • Yea 2 tables to start, one 6, one 5.

    Merge at 8 or 9 (8 fits better, but can hold 9)

    And NO, you don't get ANY MORE POINTS!! :rage:
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