Did Stars even investigate this??

I sent an email to support telling them about a player who timed-out at a convenient spot. Less than 20 mins later they responded saying the players all-in protect is gone for a month. Now I'm glad theyre doing something, but it seems that <20 mins is way to little time to review any hands of the player and I'd hate for him to have his protection suspended based on just an accusation. The specific hand I sent them is an obvious intentional disconnect, but only if there are other examples of similar activity. Afterall, it is possible to have a suspicious disconnect that wasn't intentional. What do you think, is that enough time for them to mae an actual assessment or are they just suspended the protection blindly?


  • I'd think it would be much more common/easier for them to say it was just a coincidence. I'm sure there they have a clear picture of whats going on to hand out a suspension.
  • Well in the email is said it may a coincidence. The thing is they talk about mulitple disconnections by this guy, but I really dont think they had time to go over it. I dunno, heres the email I guess:

    Thank you for bringing the play of loveuall to our attention. After
    reviewing the play of this individual, I agree that the timing and
    nature of this player's disconnects can be deemed suspicious. While
    we can never be 100% certain that loveuall was intentionally
    disconnecting, these disconnects are disruptive to our games and may
    represent a threat to the integrity of our games. In response, I have
    notified this player that his or her all-in privileges are being
    suspended for a period of one month. Hopefully, this player will no
    longer suffer such numerous disconnects in the future.

    The help of players like yourself is integral to maintaining the
    integrity of our games on PokerStars. If you see any further
    suspicious activity from this individual or any other player, please
    contact Support so that we can investigate and take action.

    Thank you again for letting me be of assistance, and I hope you
    continue to enjoy playing at PokerStars.
  • Man I don't think it takes much to whip up the log of a particular player. Poker stars has the fastest support I've dealt with. I wouldnt worry about it.
  • Agreed.
    zero wrote:
    ... After
    reviewing the play of this individual,
    I agree that the timing and
    nature of this player's disconnects can be deemed suspicious. ...

    Usually when I email support, they respond before my Outlook autochecks the server (5 mins.). I could easily see that a rep received your email, brought up the logs, looked at disconnects and made a decision based on it.

    PS support is fast and awesome so I am confident that someone did look at the disconnect history of that player, even if only briefly.
  • Zero speaks support listens
  • What a strange complaint!

    BTW - It is well known that poker stars support is the greatest in the world. They don't mess around.
  • Ha, yes I know they are the best. It just surprised that they responded so soon on this. I have reported someone for timing-out intentionally before, and it took 1-2 hours for a response so I just thought this was a bit quick. But I guess this support guy didn't have anything else to do and got on this right away. It was Monday so I imagine they get fewer emails then.
  • Or they may have already flagged his account.

  • I think Hobbes hit the nail on the head. If his account had been flagged you might have been the complaint they needed to push the panic button, errrrrrrr the non disconnect button.
  • I hope nobody reports me, I have had at least 12 disconnects over the last week and a half. Rogers Cable will be NO MORE!! As of Wednesday April 19, I am switching to Bell.

    Last Sunday in the $1 Million I lost almost 1000 chips thanks to an ill timed Rogers disconnect. By the time I got reconnected I was down to 1650 chips from 2600 when I disconnected. They tried to blame it on my router, my router wasn't hooked up, they tried to blame it on my modem being plugged into an extension, it's plugged into the wall socket, then they even tried to blame it on my digital cable box! I had techs out to my house 2 Saturdays in a row, and they still can't fix whatever is wrong.
  • At home, my PC seems to disconnect quite regularly but my laptop (on wireless) through the same router works fine. I've checked and rechecked my PC for any sort of problems (spyware, virus, etc.) but it seems fine. I watch my firewall on the PC for any activity other than pokerstars, and there is nothing. It is weird.
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