Dumb move or good play?

50 left in $4 180-Sng on Stars. Blinds at 100/200(25) and player in BB just lost big hand leaving him 175 back. I'm UTG with 75o and raise to 625. 2 big stacks at table (over 10K) but everyone else is between 3-6K. My thinking was that my tight image and UTG raise would scare everybody out, and I could play HU with the BB. If it works, this costs me 375 to win 700, and I'm probably not that big of a dog against a blind. It would also have the added advantage of "loosening" my image for later (win or lose). Thoughts?


  • whats your stack size and how loose is the 2 big stacks..

    I find when close to money people tighten up. I actually like your play. It shows your willing to adjust your play and will help in the future.

    Why does your math confuse me?

    sb/bb = 300$ 9 people ante 25$ totalling a $525 in the pot. You make it $625 UTG. If the bb call and all the rest fold you get $450 back and the pot is $875.
    So I see you risking $375 to win $500. Thats less then 2:1(1.3:1)  in a HU situation. BUT.....

    This is a play designed to weaken your image and show down a 57off to hopefully set up the table for later. You got better then 50/50 in odds and worst case you accomplish exactly what your trying to do. Best case you eliminate the BB and make 500$.

    I like the play.
  • Tigerscott wrote:
    whats your stack size and how loose is the 2 big stacks..
    My stack is average (5K). Big stacks are a bit loose first in, but fairly tight in a raised pot. If they come along, I know I'm beat.
    Tigerscott wrote:
    sb/bb = 300$ 9 people ante 25$ totalling a $525 in the pot. You make it $625 UTG. If the bb call and all the rest fold you get $450 back and the pot is $875.
    So I see you risking $375 to win $500. Thats less then 2:1(1.3:1) in a HU situation. BUT.....
    Pot is $525 from blinds/antes. BB's last $175 (in addition to his blind) and my $375 to match is another $550, so total pot is $1075 with $375 of it put in by me.
  • Pot is $525 from blinds/antes.  BB's last $175 (in addition to his blind) and my $375 to match is another $550, so total pot is $1075 with $375 of it put in by me.

    Your adding his blind twice:
    SB 100$
    BB 200$
    AN 225$ - 9 x 25$
    525$ in pot
    625$ from your raise.
    175$ from BB's remaining money
    1325$ - 450$ returned for covering the BB is 875$ and you put in 375$ of that..
  • Tigerscott wrote:
    1325$ - 450$ returned for covering the BB is 875$ and you put in 375$ of that..
    625 - 375 = $250 returned
    525 + 625 raise + 175 call - 250 returned = 1075
  • very risky move, cause if anyone else had a big hand, ak/kk/aa you just lost some chips needlesly. Personaly i'd let someone else with a better hand go up against the BB. Odds are someone has a hand thats beating his and the more people who get knocked out the more money you make.
  • is this not what they call 'hemorraging chips'?? :fish: :D:D

    good risk-reward ratio, but more often than not you are gonna get called in this spot, especially in the $4.40 180P on stars. I find that ABC poker is best in those. I say save your chips and double up off one of those loose big stacks lol.
  • I like the play.

    If you are re-raised, as you said you know you are beat. You fold and show you can be 'pushed off pots'; weakening image.
    If you see a flop with anyone other than BB, most times you will have nothing worth fighting for and can either check it down or check/fold, makes people go "hmmmm"; weakening image
    If you flop the monster, you showdown your hole cards and again people go "hmmmm"; weakening image

    I think the result of that hand itself is far less important than the hidden agenda... make people lossen up against you when you have a solid hand.

  • I think this is a typical, if it works it's a great play if it fails it was a stupid move. This actually looks like something I'd do to get heads up against Braad. LOL.

    These types of plays are very situational and read dependent. If you thought you'd get heads up that way go for it.
  • very risky move, cause if anyone else had a big hand, ak/kk/aa you just lost some chips needlesly.
    I'm not sure this reasoning is enough. This hand is weak enough that I can run at the first sign of resistance, so it's a cheap play. However, normally if you run into those hands you're going to lose money, but I'd lose a whole lot more if I actually had a hand. Monsters may be out there, but some "lesser big hands" like 10-10 or AQ might fold, again because of my tight image. To be honest, dumb hands like 9-10s are almost as scary as monsters considering my holdings, so it really is just a play (any 2 cards) trying to get HU where my 2-cards then have the odds.
    AcidJoe wrote:
    I think this is a typical, if it works it's a great play if it fails it was a stupid move.
    Thus the whole "post without results". It was thought out rather than just random stupidity - just not sure if the thought process is good enough considering the risks.
  • My guess is you had one other caller besides the BB. Then pray you hit the flop. I'll be interested to hear what did actually happen. I never said you didn't think the whole thing through. I know Aimee watches me and sometimes wonders what the hell I'm doing making raises similar to yours. This hand reminds me of when Action Dan came over the top of Raymer and someone else with a re raise with a 6 4 off I believe. It watched it and I know he wrote about it in his book.
  • The major problem I see with the play is that it is in a $4.00 180 man SNG on the internet. A lot of internet players have the memory of a fish and wouldn't be able to tell if you were a tight, loose, weak or whatever type player.

    They tend to only look at each hand and never seem to remember what was done by the pervious players on the last hands.
  • Dumb move! In your best case you're in a marginally profitable situation against a random hand. You'd be better off doing this when the BB has enough chips to fold, and even then I think it's a bad idea in general, and especially against $4 players who will probably call with too many hands. Too much has to go right for this to work and you don't get a big reward.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    The major problem I see with the play is that it is in a $4.00 180 man SNG on the internet.
    I agree. Maybe the right move against a different crowd, but probably a bit dangerous here.
    SirWatts wrote:
    Dumb move! ... Too much has to go right for this to work and you don't get a big reward.
    Maybe, although i guess the question is whether the reward is winning this hand, or changing my image to those observant enough to notice.

    The results were that everyone folded it around and the BB called all-in showing Q4o. Flop came down 75x, and I was getting comments of "are you psychic?". MHIG and my respect level took a hit - mission accomplished.

    I then picked up JJ in BB, and raised it against 4 limpers, who all folded. I then picked up AKo in SB, and again raised it (only button had called), and all folded. Next hand was AA on the button. 4 limpers, I raise, BB re-raises and big stack comes over the top, I move all-in (barely a raise at this point), BB folds, and big stack shows KJo. He then whines about "maniac picks up a hand", I guess since I'd raised 4 hands in a row, only showing the 75o and getting lucky (and didn't show the other 2 big hands). I think this play worked correctly since even though $4 players aren't observant enough, the few at this table who were took the bait. :)
  • I'm wondering what you do in this hand when you get one caller, one caller with a stack anywhere between 3500-8K in chips. If the flop comes down as somewhat favourable for your hand, lets say 874 rainbow. How far do you continue on in this flop to represent what you had preflop? I think this is the trouble with getting into pots with this sort of hand in LP without a very good history of playing against these exact players.

    If you go into check mode post flop and are willing to just give up on the hand, I don't think it is worth it. If you are willing to continue with representing a big hand, again I'm not sure if it's worth it as you are fairly close to the money. I'd wait until I'm in the money before I start making moves like this or I'd do it early on in the tournament. I just think the timing for this type of move is a bit off.

  • stpboy wrote:
    I'm wondering what you do in this hand when you get one caller, one caller with a stack anywhere between 3500-8K in chips.  If the flop comes down as somewhat favourable for your hand, lets say 874 rainbow.  How far do you continue on in this flop to represent what you had preflop?  I think this is the trouble with getting into pots with this sort of hand in LP without a very good history of playing against these exact players.
    Are you criticizing MY 7-5o? LOL. Actually, the answer to "how far do you go" is quite easy for me. I hit trips or better or fold. Any raise pre-flop or post-flop and I fold, no questions asked. Maybe a bit weak, but the whole reason for playing this hand is to get HU cheap against BB. Once that fails, abort.
  • beanie42 wrote:

    Maybe, although i guess the question is whether the reward is winning this hand, or changing my image to those observant enough to notice.

    The results were that everyone folded it around and the BB called all-in showing Q4o.  Flop came down 75x, and I was getting comments of "are you psychic?".  MHIG and my respect level took a hit - mission accomplished. 

    I then picked up JJ in BB, and raised it against 4 limpers, who all folded.  I then picked up AKo in SB, and again raised it (only button had called), and all folded.  Next hand was AA on the button.  4 limpers, I raise, BB re-raises and big stack comes over the top, I move all-in (barely a raise at this point), BB folds, and big stack shows KJo.  He then whines about "maniac picks up a hand", I guess since I'd raised 4 hands in a row, only showing the 75o and getting lucky (and didn't show the other 2 big hands).  I think this play worked correctly since even though $4 players aren't observant enough, the few at this table who were took the bait. :)

    It’s hard to say if the "mission" was accomplished because these guys are now all folding to you when you want them to play. If they thought you were playing all sorts of hands then KJo should have called you. It just seems that you got a bunch of super tight players who don't want to tangle with you until they have a monster.
  • I think it is a risky play from UTG for a small return. I understand this move from Mid to Late but UTG? I don't really see this being a long term good move. This instance, yes, but try it again and you'll fail more often than win.
    But I admit I play tight from UTG.
  • He's trying to loosen up his image...
    So if he ends up showing down 75o at showdown it's fine.. if he takes the blinds/antes it's fine... If he has to fold to a raise it's fine...
  • I don't like the table image argument much either. in my experience it is much better to have a tight table image than loose. Usually you will have nothing, and with a tight image you can get away with a lot more stealing, which late in a tournament is very important to keep that chip stack steady/increasing, with that nothing. True it can be good to have people playback at you with crap sometimes when you have a hand but you just won't have a hand very often to make use of this, and you will be faced with tough decisions when you have something good but not great which makes things a lot more high variance. The ideal situation is when you can steal once or twice a lap without gettting messed with and increase you chip stack without much risk, which is why a tight image is better imo. Finally, there are better ways to loosen up your image without wasting chips like stealing a lot but in more reasonable situations. Just to correct something:
    Tigerscott wrote:
    He's trying to loosen up his image...
    So if he ends up showing down 75o at showdown it's fine.. if he takes the blinds/antes it's fine... If he has to fold to a raise it's a waste of chips
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