KPS Champion - DrTyore!!!



  • Count me in.

    It may be a rough day at the office on Wednesday.

  • The blinds have been updated.

    Could the following players please reconfirm that they can make it on Tuesday:
    - "King Mob" Dave K


  • I'll be there.
  • I'm not sure if this post came before or after we talked, but I am In.

    Dave Kostis
  • Anyone mind swinging by the university on the way to pick me up today? I'm proctoring an exam until 6:30 I should be able to meet somewhere on campus around 6:45.
  • Greg,

    I may be a little late. Please post my blinds.
  • Just got back from Greg's... man am I going to be a zombie at work.

    First of all, big thanks to Greg for the excellent series of tournaments over the last few months. They were great. I'm looking forward to being back at your place come September.

    OMG biggest hand of the night:

    We're four handed. Pinhead and Josh had about 95,000, Mark and I were short at about 25,000 each. Blinds are 1,500 and 3000. Josh is in SB, Mark in BB. UTG, Pinhead raises to 10k. I look down at KK and push all-in for my last 25k. Josh, calls my all in immediately. Mark, still to act in the big blind, thinks for a bit and then calls, flipping up QQ. Josh turns up Ac Jc. Such a dirty flop... Q99 making Mark's boat! UGH! Josh hits runner runner clubs to take the smaller side pot, but Mark triples up very nicely. Such a dirty hand!
  • Such a dirty hand!

    And he went on to win!

    Congrats to Mark!  The Official Winter 2006 KPS Champion!!!

  • (I NOW have internet again...finally, something to do)

    Thanks a TON to Greg, great tournament!! Such a great evening.

    Congrats to Mark for taking it down, wow, tough final table. Also, note Pinhead's second place finish with a 2PM invite today...:)
  • Hey all

    A great game once again at the KPS... too bad the Triple Crown hasn't started!! :)

    accobra_kid: I swear to God, if it wasn't for the fact I only had about 14k left, I fold those Q's....

    Pinhead, a great headsup battle... my head is still hurting!

  • Mark, I soooo wish we went heads up..

    Crazy!! :D
  • Congrats Mark - you definitely deserve the win with your play last night, although I win our "fold-longest" bet :) . 

    I only sucked-out once with my A9 vs Steve's AQ, which I think is impressive considering the crap I had all night.  Somehow my timing was good and I picked the spots where my sub-par hands were ahead.  My best play of the night was when I got all-in pre-flop as a 4 1/2 to 1 favorite, and left to pack up my stuff without even seeing the flop - what a read!  (I still don't know what the board was...)

    Great tournament Greg! (and I don't blame the dealer...)
  • Nice job Mark! Now we can be Championship boose-um buddies!

    My story for the night started about a half hour before the actually game. I got a call from my work promoting me and giving me a 15K raise (which puts me just over 15K now hehe), I knew after that great news I was just going to have some fun and play an overly aggressive game.

    I was overly aggressive and ran into a very difficult table. I also got severely outplayed on a couple of hands by NiK, unlucky on those hands but also outplayed. Great game guys.

    On a side note: Neve tell someone that your wife picked up a tell on you, that just hurts the ever soft male ego....

  • stpboy wrote:
    On a side note:  Never tell someone that your wife picked up a tell on you, that just hurts the ever soft male ego....
    Off-topic - post this in the "What makes you cry" thread ;) . Your ego can be fixed with a little bit of man-flirting though - maybe Mario can patch you up on your date Friday :D
  • Hahaha Trevor. Perhaps your wife wouldn't have to look at this eye-candy so intently that she could pick up a tell, if you shaved that damn mustache of yours. I can just imagine what she was thinking....


    Just had to try and take salvage some manhood...

  • stpboy wrote:
    I can just imagine what she was thinking....
    It was along the lines of "no wonder he needs to man-flirt" :D
  • Thanks again Greg, great tournament. I've only played at your house a few times now, but I'm hoping you continue to host when you return after the summer. Congratulations to Mark and the other money finishers. Good game all.

    Sean S
  • Hey Greg.....

    Thanks for the poker......Wish we had of down better, but what can ya do ;).....We had fun........Thanks again for hosting.....

    Hope you have a great summer in Ottawa

    See you in September

    PokerQueen & 2BULLETS
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