Party poker SNG deal with disastourous results (man am i dumb)

In a one table SNG tourny and end up heads up...  Opponent has me outchiped 60-40 and offers a 50:50 split...I agree.... I dump to him and he is to send me the difference...No money to date...   Contact customer support... They tell me to go piss up a rope... I tell them GFT....   
Any body else ever have this happen...Should I have known better... I do not play on party very often, and maybe should of known better but i did not... Felt the deal was agreed to on the chat and therefore if the player did not honor, that the house would and could  get involved.    Guess I could mark this up as a lesson learned and be thankful it was not for serious money.. 
I told the customer piss off centre that i would be offering deals all the time from now on as the deals offered r just as fake as the wild bluffs you see except who cares if they call as long as they dump to you and then u dont have to pay.....
I actually could not do this and sleep at night but still peaves me.... 
I do beleive I am done playing at this sight though, even though the fish swim in schools there...the software is brutal and the attitude of the whole site (support) is sickening which most of you allready know, but just have to steam a bit more LOL. 

NOTE  villian in question is awi1245     Do what ever u can to swindle his money if your paths cross


  • a lesson indeed...
  • Really? You got scammed by a complete stranger you put your trust in? Better call the newspapers on this one..
  • If I may ask, how much does he "owe" you? If it's not too much, just let it go. Don't tilt off more money because of one stupid move.
    hubble wrote:
    . Opponent has me outchiped 60-40 and offers a 50:50 split...I agree....

    Why would you agree to chop when it's so close? This was a fantastic opportunity to work on your heads up play.

  • can't say I'd take a deal like that.. if it was for huge money, then maybe, but otherwise, how are you ever going to go heads up with adecent player? you'll end up losing tournaments you should have won because you're so used to chopping when heads up..
  • I play a lot of SNG's. With the largest I've played being a $550 buyin..... While on the $550 (it was a step that I won my way there) I didn't get to heads up but if I doubt if i would chop. you already have 2nd locked up play to win, learn how to play heads up. Suppport if not involved in the deal with tell ya to piss up a rope. 60/40 is not that big a deficit to over come. It's not like your George Bush and have a war in Iraq to finance.
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    It's not like your George Bush and have a war in Iraq to finance.

    LMFAO!!! THAT'S where all the fish are coming from!! It's Bush's administration playing!!
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