SNG Ladder!

For fun I thught I'd try and run a sng ladder on the new Empire client.
Here's the plan:
I'll start with 5 buyins at 22$ limit and try and see how far I can work it up!

5Buyins    Bank    Earn
22$        110$    275$ <- (need to earn 275$ at 22$ limit before playing a 33$)
33$        165$    440$
55$        275$    660$ <- (if I skip I need to earn 820$)
77$        385$    930$ <- (might skip this limit and play 110$'s)
109$      545$    1620$
215$      1075$  3725$
530$      2650$   <--  (SHOW ME THE MONAYYYYY!!!)

If my Bank drops back from a 33$ level to a 22$ level I will drop down and play 22$'s
Don't know how this will go but thought it might be fun. I'll keep stats and post some results as I go..
A safer ladder would be to run 10 buyins but I'm in a hurry!

Whats the Over/Under on how high I can get?  :D


  • funny you shoudl post that.. last night and this morning I was playing some stars sng,s 5+.50, with a new patience that I never had before.. I'd pretty much get involvev in way too many hands, and when I wasn't getting cards, I'd play sketchy hands, even with 8-9 people left, like a K9 suited. needless to say, it didn't work out. but with a lot of work on my game lately, I'm somewhat successful, winning 2 of 3 so far, and I had decided to see about keeping on playing, seeing how long that luck will last / how I end up doing once things finish panning out, and moving up to higher buyins once I've got a sufficient bankroll..

    I'm a bit mickymouse compared to you, at 1/4 of your buyins, but I know my limits now (after losing more than my fair share of cash)

    I look forward to see how this works out for both of us!

    Best of luck, mate!
  • 22$ limit

    #1 Bank 110$ Finished in 9th = Bank $88
    #2 Bank 88$  Finished in 4th = Bank $66
    #3 Bank 66$ Finished 9th = Bank 44$
    #4 Bank 44$ Finished 10th = Bank 22$

    LMAO the 10th place I had AA first hand and lost to KJ, the two 9th places where big PP's vs small PP's and the 4th place was KT vs A6 .. don't believe I'm playing bad 3 of 4 I got money in ahead and lost. Played 6 others on stars just before these and had similar results so thats 10 sng's without a cash and I think I've only made 2 mistakes.

    Least I win in Nl Cash games hehe
  • cleaned up the post, such taht I have a nice neat list now

    tourny # rank
    1 1
    2 1
    3 3
    4 9
    5 3
    6 1
    7 8
    9 3
    10 1
    11 2
    12 2
  • Sounds more like a sng snake than a ladder :'(...I would suggest trying the 6 max nsgs, very soft.
  • yeah might have to try something...

    this was mostly a test but comeon 10 sng's in a row .. lol I can't suck that bad hehe
  • I sure hope not. I've been hitting nothing today, getting rivered like you wouldn't believe. but I'm making the money.
  • Time to pull out some of those techiques you mentioned...
  • I'm currently playing in the longest single table SNG in a while.
    9 ways still, 35 min into it,
    6 ways currently 52 min in
    Didn't these things used to end in 45 min?, wtf is going on, everybody wants to play tight all of a sudden.
  • I blame devo for this tightening up. He and johnny T on poker night live; their comments sure helped me to tighten up my game, and subsequently, become a better player
  • gokorda wrote:
    I blame devo for this tightening up. He and johnny T on poker night live; their comments sure helped me to tighten up my game, and subsequently, become a better player

    Well.... that's great to hear! 

    In a sense, I worry about creating an army of formidable poker players.  I would rather they learn bad habits, get lucky a few times, and then take their winnings to bigger games, and eventually, to me.  But I don't think I'd have a job at PNL for very long if I encouraged people to play poorly and then come and find me.

    I'm glad that the show has made you a tighter player.  I try to place as much emphasis on the importance of initiating aggression as I do on making tight-ish folds when the pot has been raised in front of you, and hopefully both of those aspects are making themselves apparent. 

    The best part is, after you learn how to play a solid, tight game of poker, and you do it for a few years, and you make an OK profit, you can open up your game considerably.  Raising UTG with TJo and the like.  It's a lot more fun, but it's also much more dangerous, so I wouldn't recommend making those types of plays until you've mastered the basics of solid, tight poker.  You can get yourself in a lot of trouble, facing big decisions with marginal hands.

    I've heard that many abstract and expressionist painters (the truly great ones) learned to paint in the realist style first... mastering the art of painting landscapes just as they would be seen by the human eye.  Only after they mastered the "basics" did they start to toy with their colours and lines. 

    Sorry for the brief thread hijack.  I was flattered, and had to chime in.
  • NP All Aces your always welcome to imput..

    Now when you gunna gets some torrents of your show for the rest of us wannabe's
  • Don't worry devo, you won't have to worry about me taking your money for a while yet :D
    but I do worry about you helping other people just as much as you help me..

    I do try to play fairly tight and aggressive, but today, I loosened up a little bit limping with marginal hands after many callers, and it ended up working out great, hitting 3 boats in one SnG all on limps with hands like 93o, 64o, albeit in position with many callers. I ended up taking the table with not much trouble.

    one of these days I'll try to make it on pokernight live and hopefully learn even more with you critiquing my play directly
  • so, this is going well so far - bankroll for the site is up to about 150 from a 25 dollar deposit, am soon going to move up to the $11 sng's once I hit 220 (or 200 if I get impatient) does that sound reasonable?
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