Wheels on the Bus Go Round & Round

BusDriver was on a tear last night, wasn't he? First, putting bounties on the Elliotts, then cleaning up on the felt to take first place and $200 after taking down Eleanor.

This is BusDriver's first win in the league, but with his previous second and third place finishes recently, that was enough to put him on top of both the Money and Points Boards!! Yep, we will NOT be hearing the end of this anytime soon.

Eleanor took $120 for second, and Igor took third for $80. Nicely done everyone (excluding that rock, BusDriver).

Oh, and another first...BigChrisEl was this weeks CHUMP!! Hey, maybe his streak has come to an end? Or maybe the pressure of the bounties was just too much to cope with.

Speaking of Bounties, Eleanor took out hubby Chris to take his bounty, Jeff took out both Justin and Eleanor for their bounties.


  • STR82ACE wrote:
    BusDriver was on a tear last night, wasn't he?  ... Speaking of Bounties, Eleanor took out hubby Chris to take his bounty, Jeff took out both Justin and Eleanor for their bounties. 

    A tear, I don't remember being on a tear, I just remember feeling real loose and having alot of fun. (I think I spiked the wrong drink)

    As for bounties, I broke even. lol.  although I still owe El a dollar.
  • I just remember feeling real loose

    Now there's a term I would never have associated with BusDriver :D
  • Congrats BusDriver! No more ugly cousin for you!
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Yep, we will NOT be hearing the end of this anytime soon.

    The champ at work


  • I just hope he cleaned it (with bleach...) before he put it on.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    I just hope he cleaned it (with bleach...) before he put it on.

    Aren't you working with Cattle BusDivrer? Man that thing is going to need some serious cleaning now ;)

    Good Game last night....there was some real good plays (I should know cause I got to sit on the sidelines and watch them)
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    pkrfce9 wrote:
    I just hope he cleaned it (with bleach...) before he put it on.

    Aren't you working with Cattle BusDivrer?  Man that thing is going to need some serious cleaning now ;)

    Good Game last night....there was some real good plays (I should know cause I got to sit on the sidelines and watch them)

    lol Cattle and hogs!
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    I just hope he cleaned it (with bleach...) before he put it on.
    BigChrisEl wrote:
    Aren't you working with Cattle BusDivrer?  Man that thing is going to need some serious cleaning now ;)

    lol Cattle and hogs!

    I'm not sure I even want to know.
  • Good Game BD. The bus finally filled up the tank eh? Must have been on 'E' for a while :D
  • derksen wrote:
    Good Game BD. The bus finally filled up the tank eh? Must have been on 'E' for a while :D

    Are you talking about Poker or Drugs here?
  • What? The Bus Driver's on drugs? That's not a good example for the kiddies now is it.

    So what kind of drugs and how much? I had to try this super small text... couldn't help myself!
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