Online tells

Hey there
Just a question.
Does anyone here either really try to study for online tells - betting patterns, auto check etc or does anyone here try to send out fake tells?

I do try to watch for the former, when I am not disctracted or multi-tabling and last night I tried my first "fake" tell

Heads up against a really aggressive player in a turbo 10+1 SNG on poker room
He has a 2-1 chip lead and has been raising 75% of the time and alway firing out a continuation bet

I am the BB with 7c and 5H - SB completes - sort of sent off warning bells that he may have a solid hand

Flop - 4 3 6 - rainbow - not 100% sure of sequence - whether I checked or he bet out immediately

I paused - waited until my timer was halfway through and called

Turn K - again he bet- enough to put me all in - insta call, he flips over 99 and is drawing dead

He actually commented on the pause - saying it threw him as I had either insta called or raised with strong hands - so he was paying attention and the fake "tell" probably was effective

Interesting outcome - I think I will try to add it into the mix in future games


  • i watched a phil hellmuth "online poker tells" dvd once, i downloaded the torrent from don't know whether it's still there or not... it was kind of interesting
  • you mean the one where he spends half of it explaining what LOL and NH means?
  • The best online tell I ever got was a guy who would always tell the table what his cards were. Surprisingly, he did not win the SNG. Then there was that guy who told the table he had to go, said he had 86o and went all-in...
  • Soup wrote:
    you mean the one where he spends half of it explaining what LOL and NH means?

    uhm no, and why does everyone think hellmuth is such a bad player... sure he's not a great cash game player but he's one of the best MTT players ever IMHO

    pkrfce9 wrote:
    The best online tell I ever got was a guy who would always tell the table what his cards were. Surprisingly, he did not win the SNG. Then there was that guy who told the table he had to go, said he had 86o and went all-in...

    i've seen that play work lol, surprisingly lots of times.
  • I never said anything about his skill, he is an amazing tournament player. I'm just saying one of his online tell dvd's that I've seen were retarded.
  • I love working fake tells.. I'll start off using timer for weak hands, and making sure to show my cards even if I lose.. then, with the nuts, I'll run out most of the timer, much like the original poster.. I've found that works well with players who are paying attention, usually in the last 2-4 of a SnG, and once in a cash game, while I was drinking and playing way over my limit (stuck my whole (puny) bankroll to buy in, and actually tripled it half an hour in) in retrospect, it was retarded to put forth all my money at once at one table, but, I've since decided not to play when I drink, since I ended up losing all the money I won that night. a hard lesson learned!
  • On-line tells do not exist and if you think they do you will be hurting in the long run, because people take a long time to make a decision because either they have a tough decision to make, they don't and are trying to make it look like that have a tough decision to make, or their Internet is acting up.

    Which of those 3 do you want to risk your money on?
  • Which of those 3 do you want to risk you money on?

    Or they had to take a piss, or they are playing 8 tables and have 8 actions to make at once (because they have monsters on all of them), or they're on the phone, or they're checking email...etc., etc., etc.
  • i never try to use online tells, other than betting patterns, it's just htat some people do, so I don't mind leading them blindly :)
  • That being said, if I see someone go into the tank and then flip over the nuts, that goes into my online notes on that player.
  • "On-line tells do not exist and if you think they do you will be hurting in the long run, because people take a long time to make a decision because either they have a tough decision to make, they don't and are trying to make it look like that have a tough decision to make, or their Internet is acting up.

    Which of those 3 do you want to risk your money on?"

    Agreed - not sure I would ever make a final decision on calling/raising/folding on what I perceived as an online tell - but I will try to give off fake tells as a tool - but to Moose's point - I guess that it could also become my own tell

    In general I try to use some of Dan Harrington's techniques for varying my raises, calls, even the amount of time I use to make a decision
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    On-line tells do not exist and if you think they do you will be hurting in the long run, because people take a long time to make a decision because either they have a tough decision to make, they don't and are trying to make it look like that have a tough decision to make, or their Internet is acting up.

    Which of those 3 do you want to risk your money on?

    Ofcourse online tells exist.. There are alot more tells then just timing tells.. Betting patterns and aggressiveness along with timing all come in.. Yes you can fake em but you can do that live too.. Welcome to poker.

    Ever see a guy open raising for 6-10bb's PF? think he has a big pair like AA KK?
    Or a passive weak/tight player 3 betting and 4 betting PF..

    These are online tells!
  • Things i've noticed

    Huge over bets mean they generally have 2 pair or better, so fold top pair.

    Min raise means they also have a sick hand play with caution.

    When short stacks bluff they generally bet 25-45% of their stack.

    Check raises mean they have a sick hand.

    Limp in pre flop and huge reraise means they have a sick hand.

    If they check twice in a row they have garbage, bet and you win.
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