SNG hand with disasterous results

While I should probably have known better for 2 reasons Feel free to flame away as I know this should have had a better result.

1) I hate tangling with the chip leader
2) It was still very early (28 hands in 5 left) and still had a large stack.

My read on the chip leader was he was very aggressive this was the 4th time he raised into my blind, and once I did call bet pot after an A hit the flop.

I had made some well timed calls after getting crap hands.

$20 - NL - 9 Seats Holdem No Limit 50/100
Hand Start.
sfuray has $3,240
der26151 has $4,851
acidjoe has $3,598
Lardburger has $3,920
rnsgolf has $2,391
der26151 is the dealer.
acidjoe posted small blind.
Lardburger posted big blind.
Game [28] started with 5 players.
Dealing Hole Cards.
acidjoe has Ts As
rnsgolf folded.
sfuray folded.
der26151 called 100 and raised 200
Stakes: 50/100 Current level: 3 Next level in: 4 min.
acidjoe called 250 and raised 1,200
Lardburger folded.
der26151 called 1,200
Dealing flop.
Board cards [Ac Ks Qc]
acidjoe bet 2,098 and is All-in
der26151 called 2,098
Board cards [Ac Ks Qc Qs 5d]
acidjoe has Ts As
acidjoe has Two Pair: Aces and Queens
der26151 has Kh Qh
der26151 has Full House : Queens full of Kings
der26151 wins 7,296 with Full House : Queens full of Kings


  • tough break - you took a risk, and it didn't pay off. you seemed to have learned your lesson already, so it wasn't a total waste. althoguh, if you knew you should have played it before, then you really just let yourself down, and will probably do it again :P
  • Pretty dangerous board, Acid. I don't know if I would have pushed all in with top pair. In hindsight (which is a wonderful thing) I would have made a probing bet, just to see what our villian would have done, and then probably folded the hand. Like I said, hindsight is a wonderful thing...
  • Hindsight is always a wonderful thing. After committing a third of my stack I usually don't like to fold. Checking here isn't an option either as if he bets it means???????? Maybe $500 bet would have sufficed but then I'm left short chipped. I looked at top pair, gutshot straight and back door flush against an aggessive preflop player. I know I certainly wouldn't have let him steal the blind. In retrospect I think a call and pot bet out would have been better.
  • I hate folding too, but given the options...As far as gutshot straight draws, unless you have a TON of chips, I don't think I'd risk my tournament life on them. Your further analysis looks good.
  • I don't think I would call but your pf raise seemed quite large. He raised 200. Raising another 600 would seem plenty.
  • Well being Tribeca a re raise of that size is not out of the norm. I also wanted to take the hand down preflop. Suckouts happen on there larger than stars at time.

    As to jpajamas: If it was ONLY a gutshot i certainly wouldn't have done the move. It was just additional outs I thought I had (and did have). Same thing I wouldn't have pushed with only a runner runner flush. Also I firmly belived he had 99 TT or JJ max. if not Ax suited which I had outkicked.
  • Pre-flop 3:2 (approx) favourite pre-flop, 2:3 underdog post-flop. What does all this mean: go with your heart, too much analysis will make you nuts! :D
  • but not enough analysis will make you broke. time to find the happy medium :D
  • i suggest never reraising pre flop with an ace ten, it never works out well...
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