Bristol St. Classic XXIV - Mon. Apr. 10th @ 7pm (Waterloo)



  • folded wrote:

    nordique wrote:
    rob ill have to drop out cory looks so desperate i gotta work late so give him my spot

  • this going to be insane!!! :)

    EDIT: Last longer of $10-20 that does not include the rebuys anyone?
  • Rob;

    Please ensure Mr. Sir Watts is at my table. I would like to push blind the first couple of hands.
  • My sincere apologies for such short notice some fires to put out at work and I cannot see myself being able to get there on time tonight. Given that there is always a waiting list for your events please give my spot to someone who can make it on time.

    .....and I had a pocket full of $5's as well....just hoping to be seated between Cory and Mario!!!

    good luck to everyone!


    p.s. I hate my job!
  • haddon wrote:
    this going to be insane!!! :)

    EDIT: Last longer of $10-20 that does not include the rebuys anyone?

    I like how the last longer is 4x the buy in lol.

    Are there side games going to happen and if so would it be poor etiquette for me to come and play in the side games if I am not in the tourney?  I would totally play the tourney but it looks like I won't get a spot.  Thoughts?
  • Meistro wrote:
    Are there side games going to happen and if so would it be poor etiquette for me to come and play in the side games if I am not in the tourney? I would totally play the tourney but it looks like I won't get a spot. Thoughts?

    Not having a side game at Bristol would be like going to a Tom Petty concert and not getting blazed by the second hand smoke.

    Of course there'll be side games!!!!! And since I suspect the 'Defending Champion' curse will be in full effect, please save me a seat!!!

    T minus 2.5 hours......

  • I've added your name to the waiting list, just in case. For re-buy tourneys, the side games usually start soon after the first break (5 levels of 20 minutes each)

    Never say never, there's a fairly good chance that you might make it in.
  • Sorry Rob,but I have to cancel.

    Dave Kostis
  • So it's cool if I come? What buy ins are the side games usually for? Are they usually .25/.50 NL? Also... where is this place?
  • I am down for a LL if people are interested. Mainly because it will make each of my rebuys slightly less -EV then it would be otherwise :D
  • Are there any more cancelations so i can get in or is it full?
    can i just come and play the side games? can someone email me the directions? i'm new on here

  • Also if anyone is coming from around the university and wants to give me a ride I will PAY THEIR TOURNAMENT BUY IN (not rebuys of course :P) for them!
  • i'm coming from near laurier ... drop me an email ... i'll give you a ride
  • It's Fran's Bday tonight but no-one say Happy Birthday until the 1st break - at which time we will break out in SONG!

  • Zithal wrote:

    16. "Lamb Of" John A.
    17. Steve
    Are doubtful.  John just called and can't get ahold of Steve.
    18. Kevin
    John thinks Kevin is working tonight and won't be able to make it, he'll call me back within the hour and let me know for sure.
    19. Kerry B.
    20. Kevin (husband)

    Both of these people above cannot make it, John apologises for the cancellations.

    No, I'm not kidding.

  • Can someone help me out and email me some directions?

  • Meistro wrote:
    Also if anyone is coming from around the university and wants to give me a ride I will PAY THEIR TOURNAMENT BUY IN (not rebuys of course :P) for them!

    PM sent.
  • Response sent ; )
  • Thanks a ton to Rob for having us all over.

    As usual a fun night. Also Rob, thanks for dealing the heads up cash game.
  • Thanks again Rob.. Great night of cards.
  • It is so fitting that you said cards and not poker. :)
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