The next "Bristol Street" will be....

... sometime... soon... grrrr....

Hey all! I had started spreading rumors of a game this Wednesday, but like the total donkey I am, I completely forgot until this morning that I was already booked. So, then I started looking at other dates.

Next Wed, I believe, is the finals for "g2"'s Keatsway series and I'm booked both Wednesdays's after that. Tuesday, Thursdays and Fridays are also out for the rest of the month due to the play I'm Directing and out of town weekend plans.

This leaves Monday nights, of which, a couple are free...

So, the next "Bristol Street Classic" will likely be on a Monday night either the 10th or the 17th (yes, I know it's the Monday of the easter weekend). I'm going to double and triple check my calendar and send out the announcement (and take reserves) *tomorrow*.

And, due to a very busy past couple months, we're making this one a $5 unlimited rebuy tournament. Expect the notice tomorrow and I hope people can make the day of the week switch.

Do not reserve your spot in this thread as I'm not sure which of the two dates it's going to be.

Here's hoping we get a few more tournies and a casual friday in the month of May!


  • sign me up!   err... wait :D

    Rob's right (almost).  The Wild Card tourney for the KPS will be next Wednesday, April 12th.  For the Grand Finale, I am going to start a poll to determine whether it will be Friday, April 14th, or Saturday, April 15th.

  • Rob,
    I think I speak for all of the Bristol St. "regulars" when I say that we totally understand the delay.

    Between work, your personal life, KWLT and Bristol Legends, you must be the busiest person I know!! All of your efforts to get BSC XXIV going, are appreciated.

    I'm sure it'll be on of the best yet!!


    ps..whenever you're ready, I"m ready!!!
  • "Pls sign-me up!" requests will not only be ignored, but you will also be dropped to the bottom of the waiting list and ridiculed by your peers for failure to read the original message. :P

    Now, as I EVER SO SLOWLY glance toward the two messages above, I wonder, out loud, if anyone will be wanting to use their edit message button....
  • Zithal wrote:
    "Pls sign-me up!" requests will not only be ignored, but you will also be dropped to the bottom of the waiting list and ridiculed by your peers for failure to read the original message.  :P
    How about "please sign Shannon up" :)

    Looking forward to the next one, whenever that will be :) - and unfortunate you're so busy since you probably won't make my next "special" event :(
  • if anyone will be wanting to use their edit message button....

    The edit button has been used....thanks for the heads-up!
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    ps..whenever you're ready, I"m ready!!!

    LOL. I needed a good laugh today. Thanks!
  • Rob,

    If you want to run a Bristol next Wednesday, please feel free.  I can change the date of the KPS Wild Card.  All I ask is that you...

    SIGN ME UP!!!


    Edit:  I'm still just joking about the 'sign me up'  PLEASE LET ME PLAY!!! :D
  •          Hey Rob.

        When you do find time to run a Monday session, let me know if you need a hand. Monday is my day off and I'd be more than happy to pitch in to save you some time or work.

        Until the game starts of course.

             Dave Kostis.
  • g2 wrote:

    SIGN ME UP!!!

    LOL....back of the line!!!!! No poker you!!!
  • beanie42 wrote:
    How about "please sign Shannon up" :)

    My run of bad beats is scaring people, YES! See Sig below...

  • Most of April doesn't work for me Rob.... you won't get a sign me up until sometime in May most likely. If you want to take a breather that's fine with me.
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