Game 5 Player List

As of this moment:

STR82ACE -  Seat Reserved -  2006-04-01 09:21:32
EElliott -  Seat Reserved -  2006-04-01 09:43:07
BigChrisEl -  Seat Reserved -  2006-04-01 11:45:07
JHJ -  Seat Reserved -  2006-04-01 14:05:15
Derksen -  Seat Reserved -  2006-04-03 11:46:22
BusDriver -  Seat Reserved -  2006-04-03 12:53:38
Pkrfce9 - Seat Reserved - 2006-04-03 18:00:44
Igor - Seat Reserved - via posting
FishBoy -  Seat Reserved -  2006-04-04 10:20:28
Deznuts - Seat Reserved - 2006-04-04 12:43:27

Justin is firmly in the lead on both points and money, but I'm not that far behind either.  As well, BigChris and BusDriver and both in position to make a move.  And lets not forget about El...just coming off a very nice win at last week's Charity Game at the Airport Club, I'm sure she will be gunning for position as well.  And Pkrfce9 seems to have found his groove too, so this game should prove to be a good one.

If you haven't registered yet, please do so ASAP.  Thanks.


  • I will defend my BB (big bracelet).
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    I will defend my BB (big bracelet).

    Here's hoping you get back into your 2nd place groove.
    The real threat is the Elliots. My goal this season is too keep both of them under $500 in cash and prizes. They are cleaning up everywhere they go. New rule: Elliots are not allowed to go all-in when they are heads up.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    I will defend my BB (big bracelet).
    The real threat is the Elliots.  My goal this season is too keep both of them under $500 in cash and prizes. 

    So that's how it's going to be, eh?

    You're going down BusDriver!

  • Here's hoping you get back into your 2nd place groove.
    The real threat is the Elliott's.  My goal this season is too keep both of them under $500 in cash and prizes.  They are cleaning up everywhere they go.  New rule:  Elliott's are not allowed to go all-in when they are heads up.

    I like that rule.....because Eleanor was the one that knocked me out at the Charity game last Friday. (I guess she was just getting pay back for the last few games I knocked her out of).
  • I'll be sure to have an ample supply of tissues for everyone on Thursday night....

  • Igor says he is in for this Thursday....still waiting for Fishboy(Allen) and Deznuts(Wyndham) to confirm but I think they will.

  • Player's list has been updated!!

    Surprised I haven't heard from ACDC yet...but I do believe he mentioned last week that he was planning on coming this week and donate to the pot. TnT crew is OUT from what I can gather at this time, but that's been known to change at the last minute too.

    Still have seats open, so if anyone else is interested, invite them along. I did invite a couple of others from the charity game last week, but I haven't heard back from them at all as of yet. I'll keep trying though.
  • It's quiet...  too quiet...

    Tell ya what   5 bucks to anyone who takes out an Elliott tonight!

    This includes, but not limited too:
    Running their car off the road before they get to the tournament.
    Druging their coffee
    Mis-dealing when they raise
    Inviting in-laws (or Mormons) to their house at game time
  • It's quiet...  too quiet...

    Tell ya what   5 bucks to anyone who takes out an Elliott tonight!

    This includes, but not limited too:
    Running their car off the road before they get to the tournament.
    Druging their coffee
    Mis-dealing when they raise
    Inviting in-laws (or Mormons) to their house at game time
    Had to respond, just so I could see the disclaimer. I'm looking to pick up 10 bucks then. Why are you excluding JWs?

  • This includes, but not limited too:
    Running their car off the road before they get to the tournament.
    Druging their coffee
    Mis-dealing when they raise
    Inviting in-laws (or Mormons) to their house at game time

    WHAT?!?!?! ???

    Don't hate the player........
  • There will be NO running off the road before the game!! :rage:

    Do it after they pay their buyins :D

    I'll sweeten this deal too. $5 to anyone knocking out Justin before the bubble. $10 if he's the CHUMP!!
  • It's quiet...  too quiet...

    Tell ya what   5 bucks to anyone who takes out an Elliott tonight!

    This includes, but not limited too:
    Running their car off the road before they get to the tournament.
    Druging their coffee
    Mis-dealing when they raise
    Inviting in-laws (or Mormons) to their house at game time

    Dude, have you seen my stats this season? I do believe your $5 would be better spent on a certain snowboarding fiend.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Why are you excluding JWs?

    You mean Justin, he's only the Elliott's puppet, they are putting him out in front, to attract all the attention, but I'm not falling for it. Hey, but I'll take that bounty on him. :D
    • 1 JHJ Points: 163  Money: $385
    • 2 STR82ACE Points:149 Money:$285
    • 3 BigChrisEl Points:147 Money:$168
    • 4 BusDriver Points:126 Money:$200
    • 7 EElliott Points: 86 Money:$70

    So who should have the bounty?
  • Obviously, BusDriver is worried about the THREAT the Elliotts COULD become, given all the recent tournament wins they have accumulated recently. It's pretty obvious the current standings have little or impact in our league games, because it's painfully clear to everyone that...

  • AJ, along with the blind schedule, could you also print out the bounties and post them on the wall by the table?
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Why are you excluding JWs?

    You mean Justin, he's only the Elliott's puppet, they are putting him out in front, to attract all the attention, but I'm not falling for it.  Hey, but I'll take that bounty on him. :D
    Actually, I meant Jehovah Witnesses but sure, Justin, too.
  • It's official.... I'm excited. $10 for JHJ, $5 per El.... can you say 'ALL IN'?
  • All this bounty talk sounds a bit like the Bus Driver is's going to be a pricey night for him.....first out and giving me an extra $5 for my first place finish.
  • Sounds like a big fight that I get to sit, watch and pick up the pieces from. FIGHT!
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    AJ, along with the blind schedule, could you also print out the bounties and post them on the wall by the table?

    Printer's on the scrap pile right now, but I'll have SOMETHING up for sure.

    Any other BOUNTIES anyone wants to post before game time?
  • Seriously guys no bounties.....
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    Seriously guys no bounties.....

    Put a cork in it Chris, word has been spoken. :D $10 on JHJ, $5/EL. I gotta recoup the cash somehow.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Obviously, BusDriver is worried about the THREAT the Elliotts COULD become, given all the recent tournament wins they have accumulated recently.  It's pretty obvious the current standings have little or impact in our league games, because it's painfully clear to everyone that...


    I've known from game #1 that Ching. Hill is rigged, but they have been keeping me quiet by paying me off in 2nd & 3rd places, but now that ugly cousin got his 1st, I'm blowing the cover on the whole conspiracy.

    As for the Elliott's, I'm not worried about the threat, the threat is real.
  • This all seems to be a plan so that BusDriver can buy his way into first place............. :D
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    Seriously guys no bounties.....

    I guess it's not fair putting all that added pressure on just a select few.  It'll certainly through BigChris off his game, and I wouldn't want to win that way.

    6 bucks on BigwhinnyChris

  • I guess it's not fair putting all that added pressure on just a select few.  It'll certainly through BigChris off his game, and I wouldn't want to win that way.

    6 bucks on BigwhinnyChris

    Come on.....I'm at least worth a England soccer Jersey..........Also if I take myself out (which I have been known to do....especially if there is a flush on the board) do I get the money?
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    do I get the money?


    Thanks, man, I REALLY needed to laugh right about now!!!

    'get the money' Priceless :D
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