West Side Poker Clubs 40.00 Double Re-buys Tournament April 22, 2006

West Side Poker Clubs 40.00 Double Re-buys Tournament April 22, 2006

The way this tournament will work. 

Each player will receive 2500 chips to start the tournament.  However, if a player chooses to start with an additional 2500 chips their first re-buy, it will cost an additional 20.00.  Players will be allowed to reload each time they get to 2500 or below in chips for the first two hours. 

At the end of the first two hours players will be allowed to add to the chip total regardless of the chip total.  For 30.00 players will receive a 5000 chip.

The blind structure will use the standard West Side Poker Club blind structure.  The first 2 hours will be thirty minutes and after the first break they will be 20 minutes. 

We expect the first two hours to be a lot of fun and then settle into some serious poker.  Players can pre-register at westsidepokerclub@rogers.com

As always the doors open at 11:00 and the tournament will start at noon.

Cost 40.00 per person.  Re-buys 20.00 per re-buy, add-on 30.00.

1. Luc V  "Coach"
2. Bill "esool"
3. 2Bullets
4. Poker Queen
5. Jim Shaw
6. Deana Shaw
7. Greg M
8. Anthony Bakker
9.  Mike Watson
10. Ken (Guelph)
11. Jeff P
12.  Scott Cleasby
13.  Dave Rogers
14.  Lu Skillus
15.  Eddy Dale
16.  Rohit
17.  Mike W
18.  Troy C.
19.  Happy 420
20.  Danielle
21.  Spencer W
22.  Daniel Weir
23.  Blair H
24. Don (Choice Proccessing)
25. Josh Haddon
26. reserved for Josh
27. reserved for Josh
28. cedube2002
29. Mr. Baseball
30. cory woods
31. The Pink Lady
32. Peter Klusek
33. Kordian Zwolinski
34. Graham Cook 
35.  pete lavalley
36.  kurt barlow
37.  dave lewin
38.  matt tunney
39.  ryan white
40.  Matt Bryce
41.  Kyle
42. Luke C
43.  Tyler W
44.  reserved for Kyle
45.  reserved for Kyle
46.   OnTilt98
47.   Nathan Sutcliffe
48.  Steve C
49.  Richard Hooper
50.  Kevin F
51. Bert Snow
52. Yvon Ethier


  • So Brent...is it a double rebuy (2 rebuys) as the title of the post states, or is it unlimited rebuys as it hints to later in the post??
  • I find the wording of this tournament tricky. The term double refers to the start of the tournament. Starting with a re-buy before the tournament even starts. The just of it is any time a player is 2500 chips or below they can rebuy for the first 2 hours.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Prophet 22
  • I see your list goes up to 20, so is the tournament capped at 20 players?
  • Hey Brent.....Can you sign Jeremy and I up please :)


  • I'm all over this like the stink on some of the hands I'll be badly beaten with.
  • Furfy wrote:
    I see your list goes up to 20, so is the tournament capped at 20 players?
    No it is still capped at 120. I type the numbers as I need them

    Prophet 22
  • List is current.

    Prophet 22
  • this will be %$#%%^% madness :D There should be an "ALL-IN" prize for the person who does it most duing the re-buy session :D
  • Happy. let me know how many friends are coming for this event.

    Prophet 22
  • OMG!! lol. plz + me 2 the list, thx
  • We are slowly gaining steam. The list should be current.

    Prophet 22
  • Brent,

    You will have to take Mandy and Myself off the list for April 22nd. I just found out that the KPS championship is the same day as this tourney and if I was to come to Westside I would expect to win. Sorry about the late notice, I really enjoy these events. IT REALLY SUCKS!!!!!!

    :as :ah
  • I beleive the list is now current. If you are going to g2 and have not informed me, [lease let me know, it helps me to have clear numbers on how many to set up for the tournament.

    Prophet 22
  • hey brent can you put me down +5 friends, i'm not positive yet but put us down tentatively
  • Thanks let me know when you have names.

    Prophet 22
  • Luke C and Tyler W for sure... other two are unconfirmed
  • The list is updated to include those who were going to g2. Thanks g2 for moving you're championship.

    Prophet 22
  • i cant wait to take down this tourny with :2h :3h :D
  • Eddy11,

    Your time is coming to take one down, maybe this is the one.

    Prophet 22
  • The list is has been updated. There is still room for you to register. If you want to play poker this weekend come on out.

    Prophet 22
  • Is Westside in the Triple Crown thing?

    Edit: Sorry, I should have just read the post haha, waste of space!!
  • hey brent throw Grant on the list plz...Im not sure about Kurtis yet but I think he's coming as well
  • change me and my 4 friends to a maybe, i will post tomorow and tell you for sure... but right now it's a maybe.
  • Well, wtf happened??
  • update will be ready Monday morning.

  • i lost  :'( ya. big shock. i know...

    lots of fun. finally made it to a final table. i actually felt like i could win it if i could get my hands on some chips. a few hands in, the chip leader hit a straight flush against my flush. cash game was ultra lucrative. just ask shopsy

    oh ya. and i met haddon. what a riot! "why are you even in this hand? i have the nut flush!" classic stuff. "are you sure you don't want this dipping sauce?" lol
  • This tourny was awesome...until I got sucked out HUGE on a perfect read and lost well over half my stack (I was chip leader at the time.) I then went on tilt because the guy who sucked me out was a prick. I was three beers away from punching him PRE-SUCKOUT...so imagine the tension after he cheered for his donkey-like three outer.

    Oh well, as always well run Brent. Can't wait for the next one.

    oh ya. I met Greg. He lost around $150 bucks for not taking my advice and playing 23 offsuit pre flop in a cash game. Flop - 3 3 8
    Seriously thought, what the hell was that guy doing in the hand? I HAD THE NUT FLUSH.
  • Had lots of fun great tourney as always. I was crazy at the start betting huge.  Some people didn't like it but playing the re-buy to its fullest. Made it to the finale table as usually. Three west side tournaments 3 final tables 1 victory.
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