RESULTS - 16th Croatian Legend $60 REBUY - April 2nd, 2006

I would like to thank all the people involved in making the event happen. The event is much more than just a card game. There is a lot of work put into pulling something like this off, not just getting it done, but planning it so that everything is covered (atleast most of it).

The waitresses, did a fantastic job trying to keep the players from having the get up to get their own drinks. The dealers on the side tables did a great job under short notice. Great job on the BBQ Meri - the tbone dinner was awesome, and to the few of you who missed it really did miss out. Everyone behind the bar did a wonderful job with everything else (serving, cleaning up, etc...)

I would also like to thank everyone who came out yesterday. We had 43 people show up to play, and a few more to come watch. We got started 30 minutes later than scheduled, as a few people forgot to change their clocks and were living 1 hour behind :)

The first hour was a rebuy period, and it never fails to have one person go all-in on the first hand. We had our first rebuy after a 4-4 all in lost to AT os (A on the turn). We had 6 rebuys in the first 5 minutes, and 20 in the first hour. 20 people chose to add-on at the end of the rebuy period and 32 people played the bounty (with smurphy and miket earning the most (5)).

There were three door prizes awarded - one for the first 4 of a kind (or better) and two for elimination positions. Sejo (33rd) and emran (21st) each each received the elimination prizes, and smurphy won the 4 of a kind (or better) with 4 KINGS. This was within the first hour and minutes before damien c caught his Royal Flush!. And the Royal Flush got paid off by an all-in with Aces full of Kings!!!!

Maybe damien or al would like to share a play-by-play of the hand for us to enjoy/criticize.

Here are the Top 20 from yesterday (Top 5 got prizes and points):

1. smurphy 10pts*
2. mike t 9pts*
3. hans 8pts
4. bernie 7pts
5. herk 6pts
6. damien c 5pts
7. tex 4pts
8. wineman 3pts
9. jerry h 2pts
10. aussie 1pt
11. bigshooter
12. prophet 22
13. daniel
14. fred
15. bernardo
16. spence
17. kidd
18. cb
19. forni
20. di

* mike t and smurphy chopped and split 1st and 2nd prize. A final hand was played face up to determine who got 1st place, the points and the April title. smurphy had a pair of 8's for the winning hand :)

Thanks again to all those who showed up to play, and let's see if we can have the same turnout, or better, for May's event (details to be posted soon).

Any comments or feedback are welcomed at


  • It went something like this.

    it was shortly after the break and rebuy addon period ended. blinds of 50 - 100.

    Al has about 4000 chips to start the hand I have around 9000

    I was early and Al was the sb. I raised to 400 with QJc, folded to Al, he raises to 1000 with AA. BB folds, I just call.

    Flop is Ac 10c 3c. Al checks. I bet 1500. Al goes all in for another 1300 or 1400 and says. I if you flopped the flush you got me.

    I call and say that I had flopped it. He replies he still has outs and turns over his set of aces.

    Turn was Ks.

    River Kc.

    Much cheering and yelling that the boat got there.

    I quickly pointed out that the Kc made me the royal flush and the pot was mine.

    1. wineman 40
    2. mike tex 27
    3. tolga 26
    4. branko 23
    5. lucasz I 23
    6. damian J. 23
    7. bart 22
    8. velo 21
    9. steve g. 19
    10. ante.R. 19
    11. boban 18
    12. jason Hen 18
    13. michael Lor 18
    14. bernardo 17
    15. steven H 17
    16. kiko 17
    17. mike Turk 17
    18. kristo 15
    19. hans 14
    20. ben hood 13
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