PokerStars - World Cup Canadian Qualifiers Today

:s: :d: :c: :h:

PokerStars is starting their World Cup of Poker qualifiers today.
Ontario qualifiers today 2:00 pm and tomorrow 10:00 pm.(50 FPP)
Check PokerStars website for details.
See you there.


  • iam in both ontarios qullafyers and i also made another acount so i could play the pei qullafyers cu theres only 26 people in it lol , i wonder wat will happen if i win, and the ontario has like 500 people in it will only 1 seat be awarded
  • cole woods wrote:
    iam in both ontarios qullafyers and i also made another acount so i could play the pei qullafyers cu theres only 26 people in it lol , i wonder wat will happen if i win, and the ontario has like 500 people in it will only 1 seat be awarded

    Hey Cole, just so you know you cannot do that. They will suspend your account if they find out. Anyway, I'm in the Ontario one as well.

  • Im also playing the Ontario event today, maybe tomorrows also.
  • why does everyone else get a buy including canada kev and radoja and not me lol
  • Please post updates in this thread.. I attempted to go through the tables GL'ing everyone but theres too many nicks out there..
  • i beat out shakrus first round in the qualfing for 512 players theres my update lol good luck all
  • I am out.

    My opponent was brutal, I was dominating and made one mistake to give him a 2800 pot. Then I pissed away the rest on a TPNK, he had me out kicked.

    I hate HU.
  • I'm out, in the 2nd round but my first opponent. I had TPTK guy river his second pair....he had 108 I had

  • I'm still at least I beat Shannon
  • I'm out PS is .... LOL. I called a crap load of chips with nut flush draw and 2 pair to his trips. Oh well. Always tomorrow.

    Ya BABY!
  • Im through into the 3rd round
  • My second round turning point came pretty early. I'm at aout 2700 and have KK, smooth call, which is raised to 80, which I re-raise to 200. Called. Flop comes 5d 8d Qd (I have the Kd). other player bets 280 which i re-raise to 1200. He thinks about it and calls. Turn is 6c, and he bets 120. I push all-in - he calls. He shows Ad 4c....and the river is 2s. I had him over 5:1 there on out. He held on for a bit, but it would have been embarassing had I lost after that...
  • Round 1 complete:

    During current Hold'em 1on1 session you were dealt 12 hands and saw flop:
    - 5 out of 6 times while in big blind (83%)
    - 6 out of 6 times while in small blind (100%)
    - 0 out of 0 times in other positions (0%)
    - a total of 11 out of 12 (91%)
    Pots won at showdown - 4 of 5 (80%)

    Round 2 complete:

    During current Hold'em 1on1 session you were dealt 70 hands and saw flop:
    - 22 out of 35 times while in big blind (62%)
    - 17 out of 35 times while in small blind (48%)
    - 0 out of 0 times in other positions (0%)
    - a total of 39 out of 70 (55%)
    Pots won at showdown - 7 of 10 (70%)

    Off to round 3:
  • Well im out in round3. My opponent was quite week, I had a good chip lead for almost the entine match.

    Flopped top pair with a straight draw, I had Q/10 of spades. Check raised the guy and he calls. Well anyways the river is a 5, and the guy had pocket 5's to make his 2 outter and win a huge pot.
  • Well, I've made it to round 4...

    During current Hold'em 1on1 session you were dealt 165 hands and saw flop:
    - 51 out of 82 times while in big blind (62%)
    - 63 out of 83 times while in small blind (75%)
    - 0 out of 0 times in other positions (0%)
    - a total of 114 out of 165 (69%)
    Pots won at showdown - 9 of 16 (56%)
    Pots won without showdown - 85

    It was a much harder fought battle than my last round. Super agressive player who wold generally fold to a large raise. I tried to bluff him a few times and was down to about 2500. Was all-in against his pocket 4s with my Aces...and they held up. (Actually I made a set on the river). The final hand: I have 77 and raise preflop to 480 - he calls. Flop comes As 9c 5c. He checks and I bet another 480 he re-raises to 960. I'm suspicious but I call anyway. I don't like that check raise. The turn is a 7 and I'm suddenly very happy. He bets 1560, I raise to 3120, he thinks and think and i know he has the ace...he re-raises 420 more and is all-in. He turns up 4s Ac and the river is the Js. Yea me.
  • Tigerscott...if we don't know your handle on stars we can't follow you!

    The cheering section is effective for both moral boosts and putting your opponents on tilt.
  • My handle is Tigerscott
  • for anyonewatching that last table in round 3 (round 2 for most), I was daman59. LOL

    55>88, t8>a9 and a3>a8 all in preflop... :( If I win any of those 3 im to next round.

    Finally lose with k9 against kq, and I dont suck out.. go figure..

    LOL, Love stalling at final table of the round to piss the railtards off. haha.
  • round 3 complete:

    During current Hold'em 1on1 session you were dealt 254 hands and saw flop:
    - 72 out of 127 times while in big blind (56%)
    - 45 out of 127 times while in small blind (35%)
    - 0 out of 0 times in other positions (0%)
    - a total of 117 out of 254 (46%)

    this was a battle  I had him down and got all in with 2 pair vs and open ender and he hit leaving me around 1300 to his 10700..  I came back up to over 9k then down to 6 k then bullied him into submission  raised K3s and got min raised so I called and hit a 3 on flop.  I CR him all in putting him on high cards and won with K3s vs Kqoff

    Off to round 4: 32 people left
  • round 4:

    During current Hold'em 1on1 session you were dealt 381 hands and saw flop:
    - 88 out of 191 times while in big blind (46%)
    - 60 out of 190 times while in small blind (31%)
    - 0 out of 0 times in other positions (0%)
    - a total of 148 out of 381 (38%)

    off to round 5: 16 players left
  • Round 5 Complete:

    During current Hold'em 1on1 session you were dealt 458 hands and saw flop:
    - 118 out of 230 times while in big blind (51%)
    - 81 out of 228 times while in small blind (35%)
    - 0 out of 0 times in other positions (0%)
    - a total of 199 out of 458 (43%)

    Off to round 6: 8 players left
  • anyone watching or am I wasting time post stats in here
  • I'm watching, can't chat though to deep into the tournament! Good LUCK!!!!

  • round 6 complete:

    During current Hold'em 1on1 session you were dealt 532 hands and saw flop:
    - 135 out of 267 times while in big blind (50%)
    - 97 out of 265 times while in small blind (36%)
    - 0 out of 0 times in other positions (0%)
    - a total of 232 out of 532 (43%)

    some major league suckouts I had him like 5 or 6 times dominated everytime lol

    off to semi finals: 4 people left
  • Watchin ya now, gl!
  • TY it's getting stressful now

    That last match was brutal with the suckouts
  • You're playing great, stay focused on one game at a time....not the next one. Wooohooo!

  • Tough loss, great run.

  • Guy that beat me was pretty solid player

    out played me on the bigger pots then I was trying to push it

    The last hand I prolly should have open pushed PF but think he still calls

    oh well 6-1 record

    try again tomorrow maybe
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