Your fravourite hand??

Do you have a particular favourite hand.. other then AA KK ect.. for example:

My favourite hand I J 9
and there is a story behind it.

I had 100$ on my account at absolute poker I managed to build it up form a 10$ deposit they made for me. I decided to put it all inot a 5/10 full table LHE game.

I post in the cutoff and get deal J9s. 4 limpers I check SB completes and the BB checks.
Flop comes Q 8 T rainbow. It's capped before it gets to me.... I call. (only 4 players plus me see the turn.. I't a rag..
capped again before it gets to me... (i think this call put me all in or close to it)

the river is and Ax and it's capped once again and I take the pot with it...

I pull the old hit and run an leave with my moohla.. now if I can limp from LP with J9 I do it everytime.. I might even call 2 bets.. but almost never anything bigger


  • Fav hands are KQ suited and 77, I've had good luck with them and I find them fairly easy to get away from.

  • My favorite hand is 7-4c I only really play it on the button or in the BB when i get to check it or get in for a discount...
  • My hands are any suited Q or K2. The king 2 I will only limp with, but for some reason I hit a suited Q like 85% so if I have chips and someone is all in I will call and usually bust them. The number of times I"ve flopped a flush with it is stupid.
  • That J9 thing is gonna get you in a world of hurt sooner or later.

    Cards don't have favorite players.

    For the record though.

    88 and 910 soooooooted.
  • I don't really have a favorite hand, that I "own" but :ks :kc has been pretty good to me. I know, anybody can play pocket kings!!
    I know some people enjoy :7d :8d or :as :9s or :ah :2h, but I can't find a combination that I've REALLY been lucky or successful with. Maybe I should pay better attention when I win.

    On the flip side, I have hands that I hate, and will almost alway dump. Ok depending on postion. :ac :10d and :kc :jd for example. They just get me in a world of trouble.

  • :as :kh Anna Kounikova, looks good, treats me well. :D
  • Lately, any hand that will allow me to beat Queens is my favourite :rage:
  • I had a similar experience early on in my short poker history...but it was KTs..and the flop came down AsQsJh...the turn brought a spade and I forget the river but I won a nice pot (although I've still never hit a royal this was my closest call!) I'll play this anytime I can get in cheap!!!!!

    It's a horrible hand I know but wtf!
  • I think it is dangerous to get overly attached to a hand just because it paid off in the past. Yesterday, I had the opposite thing happen and I missed out on a big pot becuase of it. Let me preface this by saying that I think KJ is the most overplayed hand. There are very few good hands that it beats and many that it loses to. I'm in a reasonable size tourny with a below average stack about two hours in, so the blinds are reasonably significant. I'm in the BB with KJo. There is an early position raiser to about 3.x the BB.... and then three callers. Two days ago, I would have called to see the flop, but I had been raped with KJ twice recently... losing to KQ and losing to AJ. So, with my new-found tightness, I fold, no problem. Flop is KKJ. F-you pokerstars. F-you for spitting in my face. :) Anyway, my point is I had been so disgusted by KJ that I didn't invest 2BB's into a pot that was already 13.5BB's. I figured I was up against AK, Ax, and a pocket pair. The miracle flop won't come very often, but this was a situation where a) the flop came, and b) there was lots of action.
  • chube wrote:
    Flop is KKJ. F-you pokerstars. F-you for spitting in my face. :)

    I'm glad I"m not the only one who swears at Pokerstars.

    I can't count how many times that same thing has happened to me.
  • no favorite just any 2 cards that win a pot!
  • I don't swear at Riverstars anymore, I just don't play there. If there is a way for someone to hit his 2 outer then his 1 outter to beat me it's there. So I completely UNDERSTAND the feelings that site generates.
  • :ad :kd for sure, my only ever royal flush. came in a Pokerstars freeroll tourny.. 2nd or 3rd hand, I called all-in with AA, lost, and had 80 chips left. few hands later, went all in, and hit my royal flush. coudl not have happened at a worse time, it's just my luck!
  • Jc7c. It was the last hand I won with on my first ever trip to the casino, but I don't play it anymore except in spots where any two cards are profitable.
  • 99 - have won pots with it, but I can also get away from it - either facing big pre flop pressure or on a low to mid flop
  • A 10, I hit the boat on the turn and check raised the guy I was playing heads up with he had a flush both ended up all in and I won the tournament, it was my first live tournament and I ended up taking home $1500 ive been hooked on poker ever since.
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