What is my line here?

Which play would've made more sense on the flop?

$5/$10 party full table (yes! I stopped playing 6 max - for now)

Villain #1 raises in MP (loose aggressive preflop - big raising range, but seems to settle down post-flop)
Villain #2 calls (from the time I've sat with him, haven't noticed him going out of line, mostly showing down solid hands)
Hero in LP 3-bets with AK of spades
Villain #1 and #2 calls

Flop K 9 3 (2 spades)
Check to me and I bet with TPTK and nut flush draw
Villain #1 calls, villain #2 CR

Should hero 3 bet to get rid of villain #1 or should hero smooth call to bring villain #1 along due to the big draw hero has (and also if a spade hit, then I get squeeze an extra BB). Also 3-betting might be able to get me a free-card if the turn is a non-spade, but if villain #2 does have a set, he will be capping the flop (assumption) and will be leading out the turn, so I'm costing myself an extra BB on the flop probably behind right now to hope to catch my flush.


  • You are not often behind here. You can 3 bet the flop or raise the turn IMO. I prefer 3 betting the flop since often someone with a weak king most of the time will call down where as if you just call and the spades come he might fold to a turn raise. 3 betting gets more money in overall IMO.

    I think the hand you will see most often is another AK sometimes KQ and the least likely being a set of 9s. Against AK it is a freeroll for you, Against KQ he is drawing slim and the worst case you are losing to a set but still have 9 outs to the nuts.

    This is a monster but not invinsible hand and you should play it as fast as possible. Just my opinion though so take it for what its worth.
  • You have a monster, pound away.
  • SirWatts wrote:
    You have a monster, pound away.

  • SirWatts wrote:
    You have a monster, pound away.

    I'd have to agree with this, and by going crazy on the flop it may help disguise your spade draw so if it hits you can get payed off because your opponents probably won't have you on the spade draw. I'm going to hammer this on the flop, and probably check-call the turn if it isn't a spade.
  • I have to agree. Calling the flop shows your probably on a draw where as your raise might lead people to think that can still catch to beat you.. maybe they are on a spade draw too?
  • I would three bet. If villian has a broad way gutshot or a nine you want him out with his 4 or 5 outs (well less cause of flush draw I guess). Also your opponent might be on a flush draw and of course you want him to put more money in drawing dead. It is unlikely your opponent will ever fold a king on this flop, and your are ahead 90% of the time here. Even when behind you have a powerful draw. Three bet and build a big pot.
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