Elliotts-2; Airport Club-0!!

Congradulations to Eleanor!!! She split the prize last night at the Charity Tournament held at the Airport Club!! Very nicely done Eleanor!!

Actually, both she and Chris made it to the final table of the 45 player event. It actually took Eleanor knocking out Chris since no one else seemed able to do it. You both played extrememly well all night long, so congradulations to you both. Not sure, but I think Chris went out in 5th?

I WAS there as well, but didn't last very long when my AK went up against QQ (I hate Q's :rage: ). I hit my K on the flop, but I knew it was only a tease. My opponents Q came on the turn, true to form lately, and off to the cash games I went. Oh well, at least I gained some $$ back there, but it took me until 3:30am to do it!!

If you haven't played the Airport Club yet, you guys should really check it out. They run alot of different games throughout the week, and every Friday they hold a $75 buyin freezeout tourney (if enough people show up who want to play). The hosts and hostess and dealers are all top notch, and it beats the long drive to the closest casino to find some great action. Maybe we as a league can organize a league night or something there, a bunch of us head out to play some 1/2 NL, 5/5 NL, or some 5/10 Limit.

Ask the Elliotts. I'm sure they're quite happy with their results thus far. :D


  • Thanks AJ,

    I went out in 5th and Eleanor got the bounty that was placed one me.

    The hand that I went out on was Eleanor with A-9 suited against my A-K unsuited. The flop give a 9 and then a 9 on the turn and I was done.

    At least Eleanor used my chips well.
  • Congrats!

    I think the Elliotts are rigged.
  • Thanks AJ! And thanks for cheering me on throughout the whole tourney. :)

    I had a good night....got some good cards, and was able to survive a couple of tenuous all-ins. I was beat by the end of it though, 3am is definitely past my bedtime.  :D
  • BigChrisEl wrote:

    The hand that I went out on was Eleanor with A-9 suited against my A-K unsuited. The flop give a 9 and then a 9 on the turn and I was done.

    Don't forget that she almost took you out a short period before this hand but instead doubled you up. You guys both played very well as usual and now the other Elliott will have a bounty on her head next tourney. ;)
    Nice job both of you.
  • esool wrote:

    Don't forget that she almost took you out a short period before this hand but instead doubled you up. You guys both played very well as usual and now the other Elliott will have a bounty on her head next tourney. ;)
    Nice job both of you.

    True but I am supposed to win. ALWAYS

    FYI for those that are interested I had my WSOP tournament, I busted out in 33rd. I took some real bad beats 1/2 through and was never able to recover.

    The beats were:

    AK UTG, I raised 3.5 times the Blind. The BB called (who was short stacked) the flop came K-J-rag. BB checked I bet about 2/3 pot (which was over 1/2 of the BB stack) he called. Turn was an Ace. He checked. I put him all in, he called and showed Q-10.

    Later AK UTG again, I raise 4 times the BB, all folds to the SB who calls, the BB fold. Flop all rags. Check to me, I bet about 2/3 the pot again. SB calls. Turn is a Q. SB makes a min. bet, I call, river is a rag, and SB makes a min. bet I call to look him up. He has Q-5.

    Last Beat was Q-9 as the BB. 2 limpers and the SB calls. Flop is K-Q-9 with two spades. SB check, I bet again about 2/3 the pot. Limper 1 folds, limper 2 calls, and the SB folds. Turn is a rag. Again I bet 2/3 the pot. The Limper calls and the river is the Jack of Spades. I check (figuring I’m beat here cause either he made his flush or his straight or both) he check. He has Q-J off.

    Between those 3 hands I became pretty short stacked and that pretty much was it.
  • Congrats Elliotts. Most have been a decent pot?
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    Between those 3 hands I became pretty short stacked and that pretty much was it.

    Sounds like Queens against you as well, Chris. WELCOME TO MY WORLD! :rage:

    Don't sell yourself short, bud. 33rd is still a nice finish considering the field. Nice job, made even better by it being a freeroll for you.
  • STR82ACE wrote:

    Sounds like Queens against you as well, Chris.  WELCOME TO MY WORLD!   :rage:

    Don't sell yourself short, bud.  33rd is still a nice finish considering the field.  Nice job, made even better by it being a freeroll for you.

    Thanks AJ.....the real disappointing thing was if I finished 28th or high I got a re-entry into the tournament, with 1st being a seat in WSOP. 5 spots away from trying again :rage:
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