Charity Tourny Report

Hello everyone,

Last night we had a very successful fund raiser at our club held by Bill Wood (esool). I would personally like to congratulate Bill on another amazing tourny, and not to mention chopping first place in it.

I would also like to thank everyone else that took the time to come out and support this cause. Was a pleasure meeting somemore players from the forum, and finally nice to start putting some faces to everyones handles. I hope everyone had a great time and any forum members that did attend and have any feedback for our club or Bill, both positive and negative we would love to hear your opinions.

Hope to see everyone again at the next event.



  • I want to thanks Bill and the Airport Club for putting on a fine event! I will give more of a report later. Shopsy reminded me on the way home about the stag today that I have to be backin town for in 2 hours. Suffice to say it was a pleasure to play at the Airport Club last night and the cause that they were hosting for the little boy at Sick Kids and the research needed.

    Shane, I will email come Sunday as I have a feeling I am ging to be wiped out when I get home tonight. Hope that is ok.

    Prophet 22
  • As always, The Airport Club were great hosts for this event. And of course, Bill did a great job bringing it all together like he did. Congraduations to everyone.

    Only a couple of comments to make though:

    1) GET HOTTER CARDS!!! What a cold streak I had last night.
    2) NEVER LET CAM SIT NEXT TO THE DEALER AGAIN! :rage: The hands that guy was making were just unreal.

    Seriously, had alot of fun, and it was great to see everyone again.
  • Congratulation's to Bill for running a great Tourney for CHARITY.  You didn't have to win / chop your own Tourney. LoL   
    Even know I went out 1st in the Tourney with the best hand 2 pair Q J on the flop with 2 big bets pre flop raise flop raise all in on the turn for a guy to hit runner runner to make a flush  on the river with 1 spade on the flop just cracks me up hey but that's poker.   :rage::rage::rage::rage: 
    For going out 1st I was able to get a $50.00 gift certificate to Gretzky's restaurant and a watch as well.  Thanks Bill for all your hard work.

    Shane and Graham another great night great crowd and friendly people and the Dealers were awesome.  I was able to make it a successful night with making close to a $1000 for the night, was well worth it.    LoL after the first session played waiting around for Shopsy Brent and I decided to get back in the first hand I have I raise $6 preflop couple of callers flop was rags I bet $12 Brent raises it $20 more I go all in total a $100 Brent calls  I Turn over QQ Brent turns over 10 10 everyone starts laughing because they new we were brothers they said you do that to you own Brother I said YUP everyone went into an up rore laughing.  Forum players out there you need to check this great place out it is well worth it. PM Shane to get the details for this great place. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

    Come on AJ it was good to have a great laugh right all night, yes the cards were good to me.

  • It was a weird night for me alright. Just watching you take down pot after pot after pot kept me amused all night long. Even the cards you were mucking were hitting the flops. Me on the other hand, everytime I had a couple of decent hole cards, the flop would come up garbage. Just the way it goes sometimes....still :'(
  • I want to say thanks to everyone involved. It was a well run game (but they always are at the Airport Club) and there were some nice prizes.

    I had a great time (although finishing a little higher would have been nice) and hope everyone else did too.
  • Thanks for the positive feedback guys. I welcome any criticisms as well.

    The tourney went very smoothly and there was a really good vibe in the room the whole night. Most of the players seemed to have a good time, even after being eliminated. Only one player that I noticed stormed off in a huff but even he had a smile on his face. ;)

    46 players attended with the top 19 receiving prizes or cash.

    -Cam/Blazin72 got the chump prize for being the first eliminated. Wayne Gretzky's $50 restaurant certificate and a mens watch.
    -Enzo received cuff links and a deck of cards for the first bad beat of the night.
    -Aurthur got $20 and a poker room money clip bounty for eliminating Graham.
    -Eleanor received the England soccer jersey bounty for eliminating the previous champ, bigChrisE.

    The rest of the prizes went like this:
    19. Tara, poker shirt/cards
    18. Gary, poker shirt/money clip
    17. Allan, $40 WSPC tourney entry
    16. Tampa, $50 cash game chips
    15. Dan        "       "       "      "
    14. Joe, $60 WSPC tourney entry
    13. Jas, $60 Airport Club tourney entry
    12. Ed, $75 online poker credit
    11. Nichelle, Ripzone snowboard jacket

    10. Imran, clay poker chip set
    9. Shopsy/Jeff, poker chip set
    8. Al/AK*1, MP3 player
    7. Spaghetti, $125 WSPC tourney entry
    6. Adam, $150 online poker credit
    5. bigChrisE, $220 Woodbridge tourney entry
    4. Jivan, $260
    3. Aurthur, $400
    1&2 chop, Eleanor and myself $1050 each.

    Once again big thanks to the Airport Club, dealers as well as Angelo for helping me out. Of course a big thanks to all the players that attended and made this tourney so much fun. The people playing the game is what makes something like this a success. There was no complaining or negative incidences that I saw, just a great group of people playing some poker for a great cause.

    Thanks to all the sponsors that donated the great prizes. Having so many players walk away with a prize or cash lightens the game up a lot. :)

    It may seem like it is easy for me to say all this because I hit the money but hey, even a blind squirrel can find a nut some days. ;)

    Thank you everyone for supporting this great cause!


    Pics here,
  • t'was a great evening.

    Big thanks to the club folks and Mr. Esool for the efforts and hospitality.

    Of course, none of that helped my donk-style moves in either the tourney or the 1/2 game after for me.

    Plus, for the record, I lost a last longer bet with the host.

    Well done.
  • Awesome event - great venue, and was very well run. No criticisms from me Bill!

    It seemed like everyone was in a great mood too....good vibes all around.
  • Great tourney guys! I'll be posting soon about my "bubble prize" looking forward to the new site!
    hope to see you guys on Sunday :D
  • Thanks Bill, Graham and Shane,

    Great tournout for a worthy cause.

    Good to see so many new faces.

    As mentioned at the tourney, I will be having a Charity Tournament Saturday April 29th @ 1pm at the Airport Club
    - Charity: Toronto Alzheimers Society - Forget me Not Fun-Raiser ( )
    - WSOP format, $10K in Starting chips
    - we have plenty of corporate donations including MP3 players, Bags and backpacks, Video games and accessories, hats, shirts etc (enough that almost EVERYONE will leave with "something")
    - $220 buyin with a Bounty option

    We will post the details/flyer on Pokerforum and Poker Meetup ( ) later this week once all details are finalized but we know we will have a huge turnout and support from all the great poker-rooms in the GTA as well (Airport Club, Pockets, NutHouse, RiverRoom2-the sequel, The Unit, PokerSeries-06/Steve,, etc) *Special bounty on these pokerroom mgmt players to be posted on the "WANTED - dead money or alive" list - TBA

    Look forward to seeing you all there!

  • Another fun night of poker Bill - and its cool that you were able to raise some money towards an excellent cause.

    Thanks to the Airport Club for hosting another well run event, even though the dealers refused to give me anything playable in the last 2 hours. It got soo bad that I was calling for the suck-outs the entire last hour, and alas, I ran into some big hands at the wrong time.

    Lastly, thanks to Chris and Elanor for giving me the soccer jersey of my beloved home nation team. I tried to win it off Chris fair and square, but it wasn't meant to be. But now, when Rooney, Lampard and Gerrard lead England to our first world cup title since 1966 - I will be kitted up in the proper gear.

    P.S. Now - what about the WSOP satellite we were talking about Bill? Almost 50 made it out on Friday, I think we could get similar numbers to put up $100 each, with the winner(s) getting airfare + hotel + buy-in for the $1,500 tournament. Hopefully the Airport Club would be willing to help out for this game. Summer is fast approaching...let's make this happen.
  • Northred wrote:
    I will be having a Charity Tournament Saturday April 29th @ 1pm at the Airport Club

    Ca-ca, I won't be able to make it as I am running a stag that night for a buddy.
    I have posted this info on my calendar and as soon as you have your details finalized I will post them as well..

    P.S. Now - what about the WSOP satellite we were talking about Bill?

    Mid May.. More details as I bother to figure them out..
  • esool wrote:
    Northred wrote:
    I will be having a Charity Tournament Saturday April 29th @ 1pm at the Airport Club

    Ca-ca, I won't be able to make it as I am running a stag that night for a buddy.
    I have posted this info on my calendar and as soon as you have your details finalized I will post them as well..

    Date has changed to Saturday MAY 6th @1pm - details to be posted here under seperate cover.
  • Northred wrote:
    esool wrote:
    Northred wrote:
    I will be having a Charity Tournament Saturday April 29th @ 1pm at the Airport Club

    Ca-ca, I won't be able to make it as I am running a stag that night for a buddy.
    I have posted this info on my calendar and as soon as you have your details finalized I will post them as well..

    Date has changed to Saturday MAY 6th @1pm - details to be posted here under seperate cover.

    Even worse for me. :(
    I will delete the previous info from my site and wait for the new post.
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