Pkrfce9 wins Game 4!!

It's been along time coming, thats for sure, but Pkrfce9 has finally took down a league game tonight. And somehow, I just had a feeling it was his night. All before the magically hour of 23:15 too.

He and Derek went headsup after Eleanor was eliminated in third place. The first few hands saw an awful lot of chips leave Derek's side of the table and mystically float over to Greg's side. With the chip lead now in his favour, Greg started to push his weight around, and the cards went cold for Derek. Greg takes home $180, Derek $110, and Eleanor $70.

Tonights' CHUMP was yours truly, after donating almost all my chips to Eleanor before the first break.

Good game everyone. Hope to see you all next week.


  • Good game to all, especially that ugly mother pulling the suck outs. What's the deal anyway? I think that Greg finally saw all of those suckouts come back to him in 1 evening. Huge underdog to El's lucky 7 set to catch perfect perfect flush. Perfect perfect turn and river to hit the middle pin straight on me. Have the tables turned? Is Greg now the suckee instead of the sucker? Regardless, well played Greg.... , enjoy the winnings, and as you would say; Choke on it!

    Another thing I noticed was the change in the min raise. Did everybody move their min raise form 3xBB to 5xBB in the early levels the same week. Are you all colluding against me? Was their a secret meeting I wasn't invited to? Is this the new 'min' raise?

    And the smack talk... makes me feel at home;)

    Anyway, good game to all most :D
  • derksen wrote:
    Was their a secret meeting I wasn't invited to? Is this the new 'min' raise?

    That's right, you weren't at the game last week. See what happens when you miss a game? :D

    Greg certainly did make up for all previous suckouts last night. He was hitting everything he needed, exactly when he needed it. But I'm sure things will return to normal next week, and he will be the one getting sucked out again...and again...and again. :D
  • Good game last was a very aggressive game over all. It appeared that Greg was able to turn the power of the suck out to his side :D

    The highlight of the night for me was when Allen got his Pocket Queen's cracked against Derek's 7-8. (I know got knocked out on that hand as well but I figured I was a dog going into the hand anyways)
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    Good game last was a very aggressive game over all. It appeared that Greg was able to turn the power of the suck out to his side   :D

    The highlight of the night for me was when Allen got his Pocket Queen's cracked against Derek's 7-8. (I know got knocked out on that hand as well but I figured I was a dog going into the hand anyways)

    As well, I agree that was a definite highlight :D
  • Congrats Greg, nice to see you pull one out!

  • Ching. Hill is rigged.

    Seriously, no one more deserving than you Greg.  Even without the power of the suckout you were due.

    Now the big dilema is, who will be the new ugly cousin.  So far it's looking like STR82ACE.  Just my luck, I can't win my own made-up rigged award.  :'(
  • I think that was the quickest game ever for the league! I think the funniest thing all night was Greg getting a text message asking "are you still in?" from "the boss" moments after he won.

    He probably made it home by 23:15, too!

    Congrats Greg!
  • By far the quickest game we have had. Thanks to the min raise rules :D Seriously, was everyone on Viagra last night or what? Since when did we start raising 5 or 6 x BB?? During the first three rounds??

    I know it was definitely one of my fastest bustouts to date. Think I took one small pot down before I got chumped out, and that was a stone cold bluff. It was tough night for me, but obviously SOME of us had better nights. Good game Greg, you were well due.
  • Definitely an interesting game. I have been in a funk for over a month so it's nice the poker gods didn't crap on me this time.

    I had a few good hands early on then sat on my stack and watched it dwindle. Then the good luck came in where the bad luck normally would. I don't think I lost a single race! Won with AK twice (beat 77 twice, once even when it hit the set, beat AK once (with 93 I think...). Made one big laydown to keep me in (QJ on a KQJ board with El telling me afterwards she had KQ).
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