After this Fridays Charity Event

Hello everyone,

Tonight after the $75 Charity Tournament, we will be running some live games. So far we will be running a 1/2 NL, 5/5NL and a 5/10 limit game. There will be plenty of action and lots good times. If you can't make the tourny but want to play some good poker then come on by. Also the high hand is currently at $660 and will be paid out Friday evening, so come out and try to lock it up.

You can call us for more info at 416-670-2499

The Airport Club


  • speaking of, who is actually coming out tonight?
  • Yorkpoker wrote:
    speaking of, who is actually coming out tonight?

    Are having dinner to celebrate a friend's 39th birthday, Shopsy, Blazin72, and Prophet 22 will be attending this event.

    Prophet 22
  • Yorkpoker wrote:
    speaking of, who is actually coming out tonight?

    Most of the people that are going to be in there have posted here
  • Congratulation's to Bill for running a great Tourney for CHARITY.  You didn't have to win / chop your own Tourney. LoL  :D:D:D
    Even know I went out 1st in the Tourney with the best hand 2 pair Q J on the flop with 2 big bets pre flop raise flop raise all in on the turn for a guy to hit runner runner to make a flush  on the river with 1 spade on the flop just cracks me up hey but that's poker.  :rage::rage::rage:
    For going out 1st I was able to get a $50.00 gift certificate to Gretzky's restaurant and a watch as well.  Thanks Bill for all your hard work.

    Shane and Graham another great night great crowd and friendly people and the Dealers were awesome.  I was able to make it a successful night with making close to a $1000 for the night, was well worth it.   :D LoL after the first session played waiting around for Shopsy Brent and I decided to get back in the first hand I have I raise $6 preflop couple of callers flop was rags I bet $12 Brent raises it $20 more I go all in total a $100 Brent calls  I Turn over QQ Brent turns over 10 10 everyone starts laughing because they new we were brothers they said you do that to you own Brother I said YUP everyone went into an up rore laughing.  Forum players out there you need to check this great place out it is well worth it. PM Shane to get the details for this great place.

  • Cam, any cash game you and I get into again...

    ! :rage:

    Just kidding, man, you were some kind of hot streak in the cash games last night. And doubling up on Brent when you both rebought back in was absolutely priceless. I'll never forget the look on Brent's face when you went all in on his raise. He knew at that moment he would be needing more chips.

    Again, great club, great cause, great event. If you haven't check out the club yet, looking for some action, and don't want to drive to Niagara or Blue Heron, it's the place to be.
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