good fold??

What do you guys think? good fold or no?

Hand #30429367-12486 at Piedmont (No Limit Hold'em)
Powered by UltimateBet
Started at 30/Mar/06 20:29:15

AcesFull4621 is at seat 0 with $59.50.
criversnakec is at seat 1 with $66.80.
abbaleo is at seat 2 with $26.
mao9520 is at seat 3 with $57.75.
tarheel17 is at seat 4 with $83.55.
Zipity is at seat 5 with $85.20.
The button is at seat 2.

mao9520 posts the small blind of $.50.
tarheel17 posts the big blind of $1.

AcesFull4621: -- --
criversnakec: Jh Th
abbaleo: -- --
mao9520: -- --
tarheel17: -- --
Zipity: -- --


Zipity calls. AcesFull4621 folds. criversnakec
calls. abbaleo calls. mao9520 calls. tarheel17

Flop (board: Qs 2h Kd):

mao9520 checks. tarheel17 checks. Zipity bets $3.
criversnakec calls. abbaleo calls. mao9520 folds.
tarheel17 folds.

Turn (board: Qs 2h Kd Ah):

Zipity bets $7. criversnakec raises to $14. abbaleo
folds. Zipity calls.

River (board: Qs 2h Kd Ah Qh):

Zipity bets $42. criversnakec folds, showing Jh Th.
Zipity is returned $42 (uncalled).


  • I think that this is a good fold... seems like off the flop 2 pair isn't unlikely. I don't know about your read on this player (ie would they raise preflop with KQ at a 6 handed table, or for the matter a hand like AK, AQ, KK, AA, QQ, 22) i think that on the river it's a good fold. I think you really needed to raise more on the turn, the $25-$30 range seems better. But yeah i think it's a good fold.
  • I dunno it's really read dependant.  You definitely need to raise more on the turn though, I would call on the end without a read. Also, I'm never showing this if i fold.
  • What they said. But yea, you really shouldn't show this hand. Its gonna make people bluff against you alot more. But if this was your intention thats fine.
  • Thanks for your replies guys. On the flop I put him on KQ and when the river came I thought I had to go with my read. I showed it because I never posted a hand history and I wasn't sure if i had to show it to show what hand I had. but I don't ever show what i have.
  • You could have just told us what you had. Why would you lie? You don't need the hh for that.
  • Raise lots more on the turn, i personally woulda called on the river... There are just too many hands he coulda been betting without the full house. I'd have paid him off.
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