Easier games on Different Sites?

Long time reader...First Time Poster

While I prefer to play live games, the internet is much more convienient so I do play quite a bit of online poker.  I have accounts with Bodog, Paridise, Ultimate Bet, Full Tilt and Party Poker.  I play mostly on Paradise for ring games and the other sites for tournaments.  I always assumed that the level of play was comparable on each site, but recently while at a live game, was told "No way, Party Poker has by far the worst players".

Are these people full of hot air or should I consider moving my ring games to Party Poker?



  • how do you have an account with bodog?

    I want one too?

    Do they now accept canadian customers?
  • I'm an American. My friend played in the Canadian Poker Championships and he met Dave Scharf and turned me onto this site as well as CanadianPoker.com.
  • Why would bodog not accept canadian customers?

    Their 100K guaranteed on Sunday is pretty good, they usually only get about 85K or so and they chip in the additional 15K.
  • Its something about how they have offices in Canada and the tax implications I believe.
  • To answer the OP, I would have to say that some sites seem to be abit easier to make money on. Party being right up near the top of the list too. Just my opinion, and I don't play many sites, but the few I do play, I can definitely see a difference in the level of play. And my bankroll feels the pinch everytime I play Stars.
  • In my experience, Party and PokerRoom *generally* have the softest cash games. That being said, I play mostly LHE, $20/$40 and up. The interesting thing about Party is that there are so many players, it's really impossible to categorically say "the games are soft". The quality of play varies from table to table, even within the same limits. I usually sit at a few tables to start, and then close the one or two that are the toughest. (And by toughest, I usually mean the ones that have the most rocks in the game, who never pay me off.)
  • Up until very recently, I'd agree Party probably has some of the weakest players (at least from a low limit perspective).  Maybe it's just me, but I've found the lower limit games have tightened considerably in the past 2-3 months (for Party's standards).  I think a vast number of 2+2er LL multi-tabling grinders for awhile were whoring VIP bonuses through party, leading to tighter play in general (say in the 2-4 through 5-10 limit ranges). I haven't played there in a bit, but I wouldn't call Party the absolute gold mine it used to be (that's not to say you can't find soft games there, it's just not as trivial as before). 

    I'd actually say that of the sites I've played recently, Paradise is probably the weakest I've seen at the lower limits...
  • Scoob I agree with you. When I started at Party back in September the players where soooo bad. Now I often have trouble finding a nice game to sit at. I've also moved back to Stars which I've noticed recently has much looser games than it used to. In the evening I never have a problem finding at least 4 tables to sit at. This is all from a 1/2 LHE perspective btw.
  • Now that would be really interesting... Seeing which sites have the worst/best players at which levels...
  • Now that would be really interesting... Seeing which sites have the worst/best players at which levels...

    http://bonuswhores.com/ Covers that in their site reviews. I generally agree with what they say from the sites and limits I've played.
  • Thanks for the feedback guys. I think I might play some of my ring sessions on party and see if I notice a difference. While I am at it, I played in a fairly high stack cash game last night at a Detroit Casino and I have a question about a hand and how I played it.

    Blinds are 2-2-5 (local rule makes the button player post an additional SB). I sit down with $500 table minimum buy in is $100, but most people sit with between $500 and $1500. I pick up Ad7d in 4th position and limp in (I would muck this hand in a tournament, but like to play any suited as for the nut flush possibility.

    I loose player in 6th position makes it $20. This is a standard raise at the table and this player could make this move with an array of hands. The button calls the raise and we are three way to the flop which comes 10-x-7 with two diamonds. I have flopped bottom pair with the nut flush draw.

    I check? Would you bet (with two players behind me, I felt better about anticipating 1/2 size pot bet and calling)

    Pre-flop better makes it $40, button calls and I call. Turn comes a black queen. I check, preflop better moves all in for $240. button folds and it is my action. I figure I have the diamonds and maybe an ace and 7 for outs. Pot size is about $450 so I am getting close to 2-1. Not knowing if my A and 7 are legit outs, I fold. the dealer shows the river for another black queen. Anyways, did I play this hand correctly? Any suggestions?
  • I agree with Aces...Party and definitely PokerRoom...I also find Empire and PokerNow (old skins of Party) very loose!
  • Empire is very juicey. Especially when they are offering reload bonuses.
  • party id say overall is the best cash game site but thats not to say you cant find softer games elsewhere at certain limits and at certain times.
  • Speaking of Empire being juicy, does anyone (PM me pls) know of a rake back deal at empire? I closed my account about 8 months ago with them, and was considering re opening one but only if I can get rake back.
  • The best be IMO is to get a lot of accounts on different sites. You can often (with little time and effort) find super soft games somewhere. You may find games at party (I dont play there but have heard) softer on average but with a few acounts can ALWAYS find a REALLY good one somewhere. Game selection is so important in poker and if you practice it well your hourly rate will skyrocket.
  • I found the games at absolute to be pretty soft.. they gave me 10$ a while back in 2005 in like november.. inside of a week I turned it into 500$ an cashed it out..

    2005 what a great year.. we didn;t have a wlfare christmas. :D
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