Player's List for Game 4

This is the list as of this moment for Game 4

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2006-03-25 06:31:01
EElliott - Seat Reserved - 2006-03-25 09:24:15
BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - 2006-03-25 12:16:49
JHJ - Seat Reserved - 2006-03-25 13:41:17
BusDriver - Seat Reserved - 2006-03-27 10:01:27
FishBoy - Seat Reserved - 2006-03-28 09:16:17
Deznuts - Seat Reserved - 2006-03-28 15:22:53
Derksen - Seat Reserved - 2006-03-29 08:32:11
Pkrfce9 - Seat Reserved - TENTATIVE

If you haven't reserved your seat yet, and intend to play, please advise me asap and I will add you to the list. Thanks.



  • There needs to be some slappin' around of the new guys.....we can't let them get all big headed and think they can run over us regulars.

    (Plus if Allen gets deep this week I think I’ll have to take Friday off work)
  • Hello all,
    Glad to see no one over took me too badly on my week off. Dave just told me that he is out for this week and I have mentioned to Eric if he wanted to come, since he has been silent lately. Also I will try and bring in some new blood this week. Eric has a university friend that mentioned some interest and would be a possible fish...I mean player. I will keep you posted as to their responses.
  • Excellent!!! New blood is always welcome. Keep me posted on who will be attending and I will update the list as needed.
  • JHJ wrote:

    Glad to see no one over took me too badly on my week off.  Dave just told me that he is out for this week and I have mentioned to Eric if he wanted to come.
    If Eric is in this week then he is 1/2 way to the TOC

    BTW I think we should change the name from the Tournament of Champions to The Championship Game, because you don’t need to be a champ to play in the TOC.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    BTW I think we should change the name from the Tournament of Champions to The Championship Game, because you don’t need to be a champ to play in the TOC.

    Point taken. Not that it matters too much in my opinion. Call it the SEASON ENDING BLOWOUT POKER EVENT, or call it the TAKE THE BIG POT AND SMOKE IT ON A SNOWBOARD EVENT, whatever works for you guys. :D
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Call it the SEASON ENDING BLOWOUT POKER EVENT, or call it the TAKE THE BIG POT AND SMOKE IT ON A SNOWBOARD EVENT, whatever works for you guys. :D


  • ElElliott wrote:

    Rather buy her a snowboard :rage:

    Hey, it's spring time now...we have a clothesline...USE IT!!! :rage:
  • personally I like the "TAKE THE BIG POT AND SMOKE IT ON A SNOWBOARD EVENT", but I dont know if that works for anyone else.  Maybe this time we should call it "TAKE THE BIG POT AND SMOKE IT ON A TRIP TO VEGAS".  Let me know what you guys think!
  • That WOULD be a good one, but we will need to fill ALL tables EVERY Thursday to make it worthwhile. I'm game though.
  • Then I think it is time we all go fishing.
  • I tryed my best to get people for this week but it turns out both eric and the other guy are going to visit their girl friends who live in far off cities for the weekend and are both leaving thursday night. By the both showed interest for later weeks, so hopefully it will work out for later weeks.
  • JHJ wrote:
    I tryed my best to get people for this week but it turns out both eric and the other guy are going to visit their girl friends who live in far off cities for the weekend and are both leaving thursday night.  By the both showed interest for later weeks, so hopefully it will work out for later weeks.

    Where are these guy priorities????

    It goes Poker, Work, Wife/GirlFriend, then friends
  • JHJ wrote:
    going to visit their girl friends who live in far off cities for the weekend and are both leaving thursday night.

    Visiting girlfriends in far off cities, or poker in your back yard?? :D Not a hard choice at MY age I guess. Still, thanks for trying Justin. I'm sure they will be out in the weeks to come.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:

    Nice. Put Wife first. Nice touch. :D
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    BigChrisEl wrote:

    Nice.  Put Wife first.  Nice touch.   :D

    Yeah, he's well trained.
  • Any news from Tony N Terry? 

    I think they guys are alright to have around plus two more game for them and they can come to the Championship game.
  • Usually don't hear from those guys until the very last minute, but I will send them an email to see what's up.

    Haven't heard from ACDC, Pkrfce9, and a couple of others yet either.
  • First I have to apologize for the last week, sorry everyone... I had a last minute "emergency" and on top of that my internet account was suspended on the suspicion of virus contamination. Technically, no contact with the outside world... Once again sorry everyone and sorry AJ for not calling you but I could not find your home # and did not have internet access...

    Now I have to apologize for tomorrow night, cause I will not be there again. Reason being, my boss has received an invitation from Remo Ferrari to attend the official unveiling of the Enzo FXX but he cannot attend himself thus passed it onto me... Yeah!!! The event starts at 7:30 pm tomorrow and therefore I will have no chance to make it to your place on time AJ...

    Have fun everyone and good luck.
    I promise to donate my money next week :fish:
  • ACDC wrote:
    First I have to apologize for the last week, sorry everyone...  I had a last minute "emergency" and on top of that my internet account was suspended on the suspicion of virus contamination.  Technically, no contact with the outside world...  Once again sorry everyone and sorry AJ for not calling you but I could not find your home # and did not have internet access...

    Now I have to apologize for tomorrow night, cause I will not be there again.  Reason being, my boss has received an invitation from Remo Ferrari to attend the official unveiling of the Enzo FXX but he cannot attend himself thus passed it onto me...  Yeah!!!  The event starts at 7:30 pm tomorrow and therefore I will have no chance to make it to your place on time AJ...

    Have fun everyone and good luck.
    I promise to donate my money next week :fish:

    See my post earlier

    I don't see Cars anywhere in the list???

    Have fun and hopefully we see you next week

  • Cars, no, don't see it there either. Is that what this is about, a stupid car?!?! Hey, come to the game and I'll show you my '93 Olds for NOTHING!!! :D

    BTW, Chris, your girlfriend called...she's upset that she came second.
  • ACDC wrote:
    Now I have to apologize for tomorrow night, cause I will not be there again.  Reason being, my boss has received an invitation from Remo Ferrari to attend the official unveiling of the Enzo FXX but he cannot attend himself thus passed it onto me...  Yeah!!!  The event starts at 7:30 pm tomorrow and therefore I will have no chance to make it to your place on time AJ...
    You *could* make it on time if you tested the product...
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    ACDC wrote:
    Now I have to apologize for tomorrow night, cause I will not be there again. Reason being, my boss has received an invitation from Remo Ferrari to attend the official unveiling of the Enzo FXX but he cannot attend himself thus passed it onto me... Yeah!!! The event starts at 7:30 pm tomorrow and therefore I will have no chance to make it to your place on time AJ...
    You *could* make it on time if you tested the product...

    And bring samples for you poker buddies!! :D
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