Sunday April 30th Tournament

Here we go again!

Sunday April 30th @ 2:00pm
at Formac Billiards - Burlington
Plains Rd & Brant St

$60 entry fee

upto $10000 Prize pool!

Are you in?

Registration: You don’t want to miss this one! Registration is OPEN and this will sell out FAST! To avoid tournament day registration lines, post your entry on or before registration night and guarantee your seat.

For full tournament info:

1st: $3500 or 35%
2nd: $2000 or 20%
3rd: $1000 or 10%
4th: $800 or 8%
5th: $700 or 7%
6th: $600 or 6 %
7th: $500 or 5%
8th: $400 or 4%
9th: $300 or 3%
10th: $200 or 2%
Payout monies listed based on full field of 200 players. $50 to payout schedule - $10 to cover expenses = $60 entry.

Registration night will be held Friday April 21st at Formac Billiards located at 1400 Plains Rd E in the NRG(Kingdom) Nightclub plaza the Registration will be held from 6:30 – 12:00 p.m. “Open” seat registration begins at 12:00pm on tournament day and is available on a first come first served basis – so judge your entry accordingly. If bringing more than one entrant, please ensure that you have the first and last names of all the players you are bringing.

Entry fees are to be paid to: Troy Walsh, Stuart Kerr, or Jeff Murphy. Cash in hand is your entry - no promissory notes will be accepted. Contact Stuart Kerr (, Jeff Murphy ( or Troy Walsh ( at your convenience to submit your entry prior to registration night. Players must be 19 years of age as of tournament date to play. Photo ID may be required – as deemed necessary by the Tournament Director(s). Each paid entrant will receive a non-transferable ticket for this event.

To help eliminate tournament administration, when entry fee is paid, you are committed to play, no refunds will be given to those entrants who do not attend event once entry fee is paid, nor will any refunds be issued for those entrants who arrive past the first blind passing (30 minutes). Seating and tables will be predetermined - players will be seated as per “tournament director” computer program as entries are received.

Each player will receive $2000 in chips for their buy in (8 x $25, 8 x $100, 2 x $500). The chips used in this tournament are clay composite 11.5g professional wager chips. This is a no limit texas hold ‘em event. You are eliminated from the tournament when you lose all your chips – there are NO rebuys in this tournament. The final table will not stop until one player holds all the chips. That player will be declared the 1st place finisher. The last player eliminated will be the 2nd place finisher, the second last player eliminated will be the 3rd place finisher, etc. Each table will start with a new virgin deck of Casino Quality playing cards, the final table will play with one deck of COPAG® or GEMACO® 100% plastic professional playing cards.

When the tournament begins, each player (at each respective table) is internally dealt a single card. The high card dealt is seated at the button, the player to the left of the button is the small blind and to the left of the small blind is the big blind. High card ties are broken by a second dealt card until a high card is declared. Blinds will increase every 30 minutes as shown on a screen by the Tournament Director. See the blind schedule below.

Players leaving during game play
If a player leaves the table for any reason and will return before the blind(s) pass his seat, he can opt to drop every hand that occurs during his absence. He will be responsible for all blinds but can not win any hands. Players remaining at the table, or another person designated by the absentee, will post all blinds for the absent player. Any player who does not return within 30 minutes forfeits all his remaining chips, to be split evenly among the remaining players at that table. Odd chips are entered into the pot of the next hand in play. There will be no refunds or cash-outs given to players who leave after the first hand of the tourney is dealt nor will there be any refunds or cash-outs to players who arrive past the first blind increase.

The Tournament Director(s)
The Tournament Director(s) is/are responsible for all table, seating and dealer decisions. The Tournament Director(s) is responsible for the handling of the blind timer. In the case of disputes and rules interpretations, the Tournament Director will have final authority.
Tournament Director(s): Stuart Kerr, Jeff Murphy, and Troy Walsh.

Most tournaments allow players to cut 'side deals' to split payouts. For example, the final two players might agree to split the first and second prize payouts between the two of them. The Tournament Director(s) is/are never responsible for anything to do with side deals. Any such side deals are strictly between the players.

Tournament Guidelines:
1. NO CASH ON THE TABLES. This will be strictly enforced and grounds for immediate tournament disqualification. If you purchase a beverage and receive change, put the change in your pocket immediately – not on the table. If disqualified for this reason, your chips will be evenly distributed at your table with odd chips being placed in the pot of the next hand.
2. Verbally declare your action: Check, Bet, Call, Raise, Fold etc and the chip values involved. This will help eliminate any guess work regarding your action. Do not splash the pot – to toss chips directly into the pot rather than put them in a stack in front of you. Do not string bet – a bet (more typically a raise) in which a player doesn’t get all the chips required for the raise into the pot in one motion. Unless the player verbally declared the raise, the raise will be withdrawn and the play deemed a call. This prevents the unethical play of putting out enough chips to call, seeing what effect that had, and then possibly raising.
3. If you choose to show a player your cards, the rule of “show one – show all” will apply. If the player is in the hand, your hand will be folded. If you fold your hand, discard your hand in the muck. Do not hold on to your cards to see what could have been – everyone throws winning hands – get over it! This will be enforced, and repeat offenders will be disqualified. Do not talk about the hand at play.
4. It will be left to the discretion of the dealer as to which method of shuffling he/she prefers. However, use the cut card provided, and always ask for a “cut”. Again, this helps eliminate any guess work as to your shuffling prowess.
5. As play progresses, and players are eliminated, players will be moved as per a computer program and is completely random. Please notify one of the Tournament Directors as to who and when someone is eliminated from your table.

The following actions are improper, and grounds for warning, disqualifying, or barring a violator – including but not limited to:
• Deliberately acting out of turn;
• Deliberately splashing chips into the pot;
• Agreeing to check a hand out when a third player is all-in;
• Reading a hand for another player at the showdown before it has been placed face up on the table;
• Revealing the contents of a live hand in a multi-handed pot before the betting is complete;
• Needlessly stalling the action of a game;
• Making statements or taking action that could unfairly influence the course of play, whether or not the offender is involved in the pot;
• Using a cell phone at the table. MP3 players are OK as long as the volume level does not interfere with other players.
• Collusion with another player/spectator or any other form of cheating;
• Verbally or physically threatening any player, spectator or employee of the host;
• Creating a disturbance by arguing, shouting, or making excessive noise;
• Throwing, tearing, bending, crumpling or any marking of cards;
• Destroying or defacing property.
Table Presence:
• Manage your table space reasonably;
• Keep your chips on the table – NO cash on the tables - immediate disqualification;
• Do not handle another player’s chips or cards unless designated by player;
• Do not stack chips in a way that interferes with the deal, the viewing of cards, or another player;
• Chips on the table are not to be transferred from one player to another;
• Protect your cards so that no one else can see them;
• Keep your cards on the table. Holding cards against your shirt or putting them in your pocket/lap is not allowed. It is proper for an opponent to complain when a player consistently has the opportunity to see another player’s hole cards. It is improper to complain when someone exercises this right;
• If you step away from the table, please advise the table of your intentions;
• It is each player’s responsibility to follow the flow of the game. Play in turn, do not act out of turn;
• Each player must play in their own self interest;
• Asking to see called hands unnecessarily is bad manners, a waste of time, and is generally bad for the game. Rabbit hunting will not be tolerated.

Blind Schedule:
Blinds will be raised every 30 minutes during elimination play as illustrated on screen in the tournament room. At the final table, the blinds will continue at the level in which they were last played and increase every 30 minutes until the tournament winner is declared.
Blind Schedule
Small Big
25 50
50 100
100 200
200 400
300 600 Color up
500 1000
1000 2000
1500 3000 Color up
2000 4000
2500 5000
3000 6000
4000 8000
5000 10000
6000 12000
7000 14000

Food and Beverages are available through the host – please support them during tournament play by purchasing food and beverages from the bar.
Have a good tournament!


Stu, Jeff and Troy

any further information just call 905-220-4733 to be sure to reserve a seat
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