Guelph! Pirate's Bounty! Arrrrrrg! Shivver me timbers!

Sign up now matey! 10 dollar game, 5 dollar bounty. ahem. no rebuys. ;)
Should be a blast!
7pm. Thursday! Act now (as my house is for sale..and hey, if you want to buy a house, come and play poker here and take her for a test drive!).

1. Mark the rebuyer
2. Nadine the studier
3. Cowboy Mike
4. Gay Mike..err..Big Mike!
5. Vegas Tim (alright!)
6. Carmella (mirandro)
7. JT (this is jay, mike's friend right?!)
8. Egyptian hope
9. Haren


  • Yeah! Count me in. Thursdays are back!
  • I can make it but i can't get there untill 7:45 Is that okay???
  • I'm in for the gayest post ever on this forum of all time..... not that there is anything wrong with that.


    PS. I'm not shivering or doing anything else to your timbers.....not that there is anything wrong with that, it's just not my thing baby.
  • The pirate angle confuses me too!! ARrrrrr!

    "Bounty" is what I thing inspired this.....

    But The word your looking for Matey is "BOOTY" as in LOOT.

    A pirate called his treasure "Booty"

    Bounty has no Pirate Connotation.....

    There was a mutiny on the BOUNTY (a ship) also depicted in a mel gibson film.....

    But no BOUNTY aarrhhhhh!

    well I suppose they were hunters of treasure or maybe I am off

    it did sound gay though,......agreeing with the last post.....

  • hmm...i didn't think it was gay....maybe you guys have been watching too many movies about gay cowboys or somethin' ;)
    Interesting side note..i am directly related to the guy who led the mutiny on the there be pirate's blood in these veins by garsh! ARR!
    (his name was fletcher christian, and he was the first mate to captain bligh........riiight...i'm going back to brokeback now...)
  • What a series! A 'gay pirate movie'! Then maybe a 'gay astronaut movie'. Finally, a less well-received 'gay insurance adjustor' movie.
  • Brookkkkeee Back Mountaiiiinnnn!!

    sounds like a fun tourney anyhow.....sweety :D
  • Maybe you should change the name of this post to the Brokeback mountain of the sea. On a side note a love story between two women would have won alot of Oscars. I'm thinking Kate Beckinsale and Angelina Jolie. Now thats a movie i would pay to see.
  • you can count me it
  • yup yup

    JT in the house
  • hold on there buckaroo
    I never said I was playing just wanted to comment on your interesting conversation. I'm busy on thursday more of that family stuff.
  • I knew that I saw our host on TV once and i finally found it... look closely at my new picture i found on the internet (and remains unaltered) you may find some one you know.... not that there is anything wrong with it.

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