West Side Poker Club Results March 25th tournament

West Side Poker Club would like to thank all those who came to our one year anniversary celebration tournament.  We had 138 participants in what proved to be a very tough field.  We still have yet to have a double champion at West Side Poker Club, but the current champion Lauren Ethbridge, yes the drunk guy won, took out Grant at 12:23 am in the first hand of heads up.

West Side Poker Club would not be the events they are without the support of the players who come to the events.  You are the ones who make us a success and we want to thank you for coming and look forward to seeing you in the future.

I want to give a special thanks to Al for the great job he did as tournament director.  It can be a thankless job at times but Al would not have it any other way.  I would also like to thank Shane and the Airport Club for there generous donations of hats and t-shirts, and the 2 entries into there Friday night tournaments.  The first one was won by “Shopsy”.  Congratulations.  Also would like to thank Cam, Mark, Steve and Johnny for there work.

The winner of the custom crafted poker table was Mario “ItsaMe”.  I few people have asked about how to get in touch with the gentlemen who made it.  You can direct all questions to “folded” here on the poker forum.

We gave out in cash and prizes over 7110.00 in this event.

1.  Lauren Ethbridge 2000.00 + ring, and TOC
2.  Grant                1050.00                       
3.  George K        700.00
4.  Young J 580.00
5.  Sammy                 520.00
6.  qtjen     480.00
7.  pokerjah 415.00
8.  Compuease 345.00
9   Aj Sietsma 240.00
10. Bob       170.00
11.  Digitalgangsta 75.00 Airport Club tournament
12.  Kevin F 60.00 West Side Tournament
13.  CanadaKev Metal lay insert chip set

We look forward to seeing you at our next event in April 22.  Look here at the forum for further details and check you email for an invitation sent from West Side Poker Club by Tilt Central.  If you are not on our mailing list sent me an email at westsidepokerclub@rogers.com

Thank you,

Brent “Prophet 22”

PS  If anyone would like an email of the newsletter outlining our events up to June please send me an email


  • Thanks a lot for another great tournament Brent.... As always, a great time, cept for the one guy..... And not much you can do against that... Did he really make it out of the parking lot alive?
  • Sounds like another great tourney.
    Put me on the list for the April game please! :fish:
  • The winner of the custom crafted poker table was Mario “ItsaMe”. I few people have asked about how to get in touch with the gentlemen who made it. You can direct all questions to “folded” here on the poker forum.

    Sweet Mario!!!!! When's the first game on this table!!!!! I want in!!!!
    8. Compuease 345.00

    Congratz Jeff, nice finish!
  • yes the drunk guy won,

    ARGHHHHHHHHHH       No please... say it ain't so!!!!! 

    Great tournament again.  Thanks to all involved.  I know everyone tried to take that guys chips, but sometimes, justice just doesn't prevail!

    Well, if you read this forum Lauren, congratulations.  If I ever meet you again, I'll tell you all about the tournament you won, since it's probably all a blur for you!

  • Big E wrote:
    The winner of the custom crafted poker table was Mario “ItsaMe”. I few people have asked about how to get in touch with the gentlemen who made it. You can direct all questions to “folded” here on the poker forum.

    Sweet Mario!!!!! When's the first game on this table!!!!! I want in!!!!
    8. Compuease 345.00

    Congratz Jeff, nice finish!

    Ditto!!! Well done boys!!
  • it just show u can play em drunk !!!
    we did managed to cut his chip lead to a third of what he had when he came to our table so obviously he still did alright.
    i guess i'll drink "Canadian" from now on... must be something in that drink !
  • Hey Brent....

    Thanks again for a great tournament..I had fun...except Ive really learned AK...Just looks good........

    Cant wait for the next one.....SIGN us up please :)


    Jeremy (2Bullets)
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