English only at the tables

Lots of times in sngs I get people who start talking in another in the chat. Usually its french so I understand what they're saying is just pointless conversation, but should I say something anyways? What do you guys do when people do this?


  • I really wouldnt care too much, if they were friends they would just use the phone or MSN or something similiar.
  • it depends on the site. I play at eurobet and even the announcements are not always english. There are a lot of portuguses etc that play there. I never noticed it before at poker room (it's a poker room skin) so I think it gets blocked out or something. It doesn't bother me that much unless i'm losing to those non english speaking bastards..... Just kidding.
  • Invent your own language and start typing back.  Also the talk like a pirate translator is good too.


    You see something like this would completely confuse your opponent

    In pirate:

    Aye, you see somethin' like this would verily confuse your opponent A pence for an old man o'de sea?

    I'm here to crack your aces you loose fish

    Arrr, i'm har t' crack your aces you loose fish Aye.

    Lost in Translation is another good one.  It converts your text into 5 different languages and then back into English

    I'm here to crack your aces you loose fish

    They are to the inner crack its central chain here in which they fish
    them outside to obstruct

    Finally for pure gibberish try the gibberish generator.

    I recommend gibberish level 1 or 2:

    I'm here to crack your aces you loose fish

    I'm loure you cr h he louracer ace h toses ck touracre yoooooserer h acre he you fis yosher ck lo ck h fis
  • Take up pig-latin...if you're old enough to know what that is (45+)
  • jpajamas wrote:
    Take up pig-latin...if you're old enough to know what that is (45+)

    ok im not 45+ but I am actually fluent in pig latin my mother taught me. I consider myself bi-lingual
  • I prefer it when everyone speaks english. Even though i can speak french, other players might not be able to so i'd ask them to keep it in english. Same for anyone with loud music in live games.
  • Alot of sites have an ENGLISH ONLY rule. When I'm at a table and a couple of people are chatting it up in other than english, I will remind them of this. If the site has no such rule, well I just leave it alone.
  • Why say something? What's your goal?

    I'm with Soup. If the talk is for cheating, there's better ways for them to do it.
  • rpitcher wrote:
    Why say something? What's your goal?

    I'm with Soup. If the talk is for cheating, there's better ways for them to do it.

    Ok, but maybe they're doing something that they don't realize is cheating because they're beginners. Like what if they agree to check it down when you're all in? Or one of them mentions how you bluffed him twice already so the other guy decides to call your river bet.
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