Help please. Why can't I defrag?

I hadn't done it a a long time because I never had enough free space. Eventually it got up to 30% fragmentation before I was able to defrag it. Its gone down to 24% but it stops there. Whenever I try and do it again it ends quickly and says some files could not be defragged. I have 26% free space, is that not enough or is there something else wrong? Thanks anyone who can help me out.


  • I think you only need 15% free disk space. 26% should definitely be enough...

    As for why it's not proceeding. I don't know. Is there an advanced details window or report log that it generates? It might contain more info...
  • I am far from a computer expert, but I had the same problem with one of my computers in the past.

    I would not defrag without a scan disk first, but the scan disk wouldn't operate properly unless I phisically unplugged the computer while it was on.

    When the computer started up again, the standard message would come up and then I could do the scandisk and defrag. Hope that helps.
  • Scan disk?
  • Norton Antivirus or other similar programs sometimes interfere with the defrag process, try booting into safe mode and running the defrag.
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