If only more had come for the ride....

So, can't post the Hand History, but this is how it went down

Oddsnpotsgaming.com .25/.50 NLHE Ring game

DRTYORE: (5-5) in seat 9

Seat 1 is dealer, 2 & 3 post blinds
Seat 4-8 call
Seat 9 Calls
Seat 10 calls
Seat 1 calls
Seat 2 calls
Seat 3 checks

Pot is $5


10s 5s 5h

Seat 1: Check
Seat 2: $5 bet
Seat 3-8 folds
Seat 9 calls
Seat 10 folds
Seat 1 folds

POT: 15

TURN: 9d

Seat 2: 5.25 bet
Seat 9: Calls

River: Jh

Seat 2: Checks
Seat 9: 10 bet
Seat 2: Calls

Seat 2: Shows 2 pair (10-8)
Seat 9: Shows four of a kind (5-5)





    Damn I love this site!!

    (A little more bare-bones here, but same table as above!)

    DrTyore Calls .50 in seat 9 with 9h 10d ($56.06)
    Seat 10 calls .50 ($45.95)
    Seat 1 (dealer) calls .50 ($43.84)
    Seat 3 (BB) Checks ($39.57)

    Pot: 2.25


    Qh Jh 8c

    BB checks
    DrTyore bets $2
    Seat 10 folds
    Seat 1 raises 6.75
    Seat 3 calls
    DrTyore raises $38 (these guys were donks... trust me... on this one - plus I woulda been happy with the pot at $20)
    Seat 1: Calls ($33.25)
    Seat 3: Calls - all in ($32.32)

    Pot: Main: 119.46 Side: 1.86

    Turn: Ad

    DrTyore bets $5
    Seat 1 all-in ($3.34)

    Pot: 119.46 + (side) $8.54 = $128

    River: 3d


    DrTyore shows : 9-10 for a straight
    Seat 1 shows: J-8 for two pair
    Seat 3 shows: Q-8 for two pair

    So... what have we learned? If a guy bets 80x the BB.. your two pair is not good.

  • Give me the donks...... maybe I gotta check out this site or do ya gotta write articles for them to get that kinda action ...... :fish:
  • geez, can't ask for much more action than that. I like the push with the straight.
  • Here you go Mark.

    Game #1373474040 - Tournament Toucan - 50/100 Texas Hold'em - 2006/03/25-17:51:50.5 (CST)
    Table "Toucan 62" (MTT) -- Seat 9 is the button
    Seat 1: golfbum66 (1,630 in chips)
    Seat 2: lancenewman (1,380 in chips)
    Seat 3: JohnnieJH (1,005 in chips)
    Seat 4: jackdill (760 in chips)
    Seat 5: s7p7w7 (1,835 in chips)
    Seat 6: freespool4 (1,515 in chips)
    Seat 7: timbo 2 (3,015 in chips)
    Seat 8: eddos (1,455 in chips)
    Seat 9: RiffRafff (1,375 in chips)
    Seat 10: Team Wildcat (1,140 in chips)
    Team Wildcat: Post Small Blind (25)
    golfbum66: Post Big Blind (50)
    Dealt to JohnnieJH [ 7s ]
    Dealt to JohnnieJH [ 7c ]
    lancenewman: Fold
    JohnnieJH: Raise (100)
    jackdill: Fold
    s7p7w7 : Fold
    freespool4: Fold
    timbo 2 : Fold
    eddos : Call (100)
    RiffRafff: Fold
    Team Wildcat: Fold
    golfbum66: Raise (100)
    JohnnieJH: Call (50)
    eddos : Raise (100)
    golfbum66: Call (50)
    JohnnieJH: Call (50)
    *** FLOP *** : [ Tc 7h 5h ]
    golfbum66: Bet (50)
    JohnnieJH: Raise (100)
    eddos : Raise (150)
    golfbum66: Raise (150)
    JohnnieJH: Call (100)
    eddos : Call (50)
    *** TURN *** : [ Tc 7h 5h ] [ 7d ]
    golfbum66: Bet (100)
    JohnnieJH: Raise (200)
    eddos : Raise (300)
    golfbum66: Raise (300)
    JohnnieJH: Call (200)
    eddos : Call (100)
    *** RIVER *** : [ Tc 7h 5h 7d ] [ 3h ]
    golfbum66: Bet (100)
    JohnnieJH: Raise (200)
    eddos : Call (200)
    golfbum66: Raise (200)
    JohnnieJH: Call All-in (5)
    eddos : Raise (200)
    golfbum66: Raise (200)
    eddos : Raise (200)
    golfbum66: Call (100)
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Pot: 3,040 | Side pot 1: 790 | Board: [ Tc 7h 5h 7d 3h ]
    golfbum66 lost 1,400 [ Jh Kc ] (a pair of sevens)
    lancenewman didn't bet (folded)
    JohnnieJH bet 1,005, collected 3,040, net +2,035 (showed hand) [ 7s 7c ] (four of a kind, sevens)
    jackdill didn't bet (folded)
    s7p7w7 didn't bet (folded)
    freespool4 didn't bet (folded)
    timbo 2 didn't bet (folded)
    eddos bet 1,400, collected 790, net -610 (showed hand) [ 6h 6c ] (two pair, sevens and sixes)
    RiffRafff didn't bet (folded)
    Team Wildcat lost 25 (folded)

    I know I got lucky on the flop, but oh well!!

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