What a Terrible Night

So i started off yesturday with some .50/1 blinds

The first hand i got dealt was KK i raised $3 pre flop i was then re raised all in for $50 by the BB i called...After the flop and everything he shows 44 and there was a 4 on the flop..

Very next hand I have A9 and am in late position i raise $4 folds around to teh SB that calls the BB folds...Flop comes A9x with 2 clubs he check i raise 5 he calls next card x of clubs he checks i raise him all in he calls with jack 6 offsuit and the jack of clubs...river is the king of clubs he wins with flush..lost $25 that hand

Very next hand i get pocket jacks...at this point i am pissed off so i go all in and i get called by AK sure enough an ace comes on the river...loose antoher $30 that hand and now am out of money

Later on that night i get another 50 on and am back and fourth between 50-100... i switch table and goto a 3 person table.. i become the dealer and have 8-2 of clubs and try to steal the blinds with a $3 raise both of them call...flop comes 2108 first guy bets 5 and other guy re raises 5 i go all in and am called by the BB who has pocket aces.. once again the ace comes on the river..

lol bad ngiht for poker????


  • Not that bad, I made $50 off some guy trying to steal blinds with 82.
  • The best thing I would suggest is don't play when your pissed off. Make a point of, if you don't win after the first session, go watch TV or do something else.

    I dropped + 1 k one night because I was too stubborn to leave. Internet poker should be just as easy to sign off as on.

    Edit reason = can't spell.
  • Dead Money wrote:
    The best thing I would suggest is don't play when you pissed off. Make a point of if you don't wing after the first session, go watch TV or do something else.

    I dropped + 1 k one night because I was too stubborn to leave. Internet poker should be just as easy to sign off as on.

    I wish that were true! I hardly EVER tilt when I play live. However online with 4 tables running I steam alot easier and it costs me alot more money.

    Idealy you should be able to get up and cool off, I mean its not like your going to have to wait for another seat!
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    Not that bad, I made $50 off some guy trying to steal blinds with 82.

    was that me? lol, mine was in a tourney, only lost like 500 chips... yes i'm a donk
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