Home Game Accounting

In all my games I have done my best to ensure that the money is handled properly.  I go so far as to ensure somebody witnesses when I pay for myself and Jenn, just so nobody can have any cause to question how things are run. 

Last night, there was a problem with a couple players not receiving change.  Obviously I miscounted somewhere, but as I did not know exactly how this had occurred, I simply paid the players out of my pocket (although all money went directly into the cash box, so I probably just slightly padded the prize pool :) ).  I am curious as to how other home game hosts normally handle this sort of situation?

The second incident occurred during the rebuy period.  Each table was given 10 rebuys ($50), and when empty it was replaced.  One table happened only happened to have $45, but nobody knew where it had gone missing.  There was a question as to whether there might have been only 9 rebuys given to the table, but a chip count at break showed that all 10 rebuys were in play.  Again, I covered this missing rebuy myself, but I'm curious how others normally handle this?


  • For our home game, we downloaded the Tournament Director. When we have our players show up to play, we enter their names in, and we put a check mark next to it to show they have paid after we have received the money. We have a float of $100 in fins and coins for use as change. The totals of what was collected and everything is on the screen at all times, as well as the payouts. You can set it to keep track of rebuys as well. The key is to never give chips out without collecting money and marking it down.Make all three steps part of your routine, and it should help to eliminate these nagging and costly errors.
  • I had the same thing happen once or twice too... counting up the money at the end and realizing you're a buy-in/rebuy/whatever short. And I do the same thing, I'll kick in the extra to make up the difference because I'm the one assuming responsibility for the money and it's up to me to keep things straight, so it should be up to me to make things right.

    This is one of the things I do like like about freeze-outs. You know exactly how much should be in the pool upfront and don't have to worry about balancing rebuys.
  • At the Royal I ran into the same problem. Money coming at me from a lot of directions and when it was all said and done I was $100 short so covered it at the time. Luckily I did find it later on in the pants of a thousand pockets.
  • Same thing happened to me during KPS I... couldn't find the money for 2 rebuys, so I covered it.  After that I ran KPS II requiring all players to come to me for rebuys, which was more reliable.  However, the main reason I switched to this method was so I could keep track of who rebuys since it affects the KPS points.

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