Mental state - how does it effect your game

Over the last few months I have noticed an interesting phenomenon in my game.

I am an okay poker player - I keep a detailed track of my results, and I noticed that over the last 6 months I have had huge swings in bankroll and I hadn't final tabled in a MTT with over 100 people since 7 months ago

So I decided to dig a little deeper - my biggest wins typically come on the weekends, either early in the morning 8AM - 11AM or late at night 11:00PM and one.
6 months ago I moved in with my GF

It struck - GF likes poker, but only plays in home games, and typically resents my play during the week - most times I play during the week I am either getting interupted or feel guilty for playing and fail to concentrate as a result

For the past two weeks I have only been playing when I am alone or GF is sleeping - so far my results are very positive

Anyone else ever notice this? Maybe not GF or whatever but get the feeling that they were beat before they got to the table due to something else on their mind etc.?


  • I think you need the "Married or Single" threads ....

    I think the time also reflects on the competition too. Friday and Saturday nights typically have more people on certain sites. More Eurpoean sites have user spikes at different times here in Canada.

    I also do better when I don't have to run downstairs to get something off the top shelf between hands too. Those distractions can make you miss key plays or action that might give you good information for later in a tournament.
  • I have my kids on weekends and if I'm playing when they are awake I lose money 95% of time. I can't play my "A-game" while they are around. Partially due to the lack of concentraion and also partially due to the fact that my son isn't a fan of the game. He even saw me win a SnG and wasn't impressed.

    I sure know I was! :D
  • If the kids are up, I choose when to play carefully.  Normally, I won't play, but when I do, I generally don't get distracted.  I guess with so many kids I'm used to all the noise and interruption, so I've learned to block it out.  My one son is very interested in the game though, and railbirds me whenever he can. Lots of questions from him, but usually the games are slow enough to answer, and when I'm too involved with a few big hands, he knows to write down his questions so we can go over them later. I haven't noticed any increased wins/losses based on what's going on around me.
  • I usually play like crap when Im tired or stressed. I can actually play pretty well, but one bad beat when Im tired is enough to mess me up totally, I just give up and go allin soon after! Playing while tired is so bad...
  • Tired is another one for me - worst is when I am tired or burnt out after a tough day at the office
    Interesting question would be - how does this affect the pros - especially online pros - I would assume many low to mid level pro's have certain hours to play per day/week - they must maintain a high level of focus I assume, and probably a lot of us have jobs where we can show up tired, hungover or whatever and it will not cause me to make any less more money than when I have my "A" game
  • Very intersting thread. I know my mentality affects me. If i feel i'm unlucky and going to lose it'll definitly make me play worse. I'll either make loose calls trying to change my luck, or overplay my good hands cause i feel like someone will turn or river me with a gut shot draw.

    I find being relaxed before the start of poker makes me play much better. Eating well, getting sleep, mabye chewing some gum or having a drink with my while i play, all these things help me get relaxed and keep me occupied during the game. Your state of mind is huge in poker.
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