TheBusDriver needs help

Hey guys,

Here's my dilema, I prepaid for a tournament Wednesday night, and now due to work issues, I wont be able to make it. Here's where you can help.  Go in my place. 

Here's the details as far as I know.

It's a bar in brampton
$25 buy-in (paid) with 1 re-buy
they usual get about 30 players
I think it starts at 7pm

All I ask of whom ever takes my seat is to have at it, and do your best, if you get into the money, $25 back would be nice.  If you don't...  well... as long as you tried your best. :D

I'll try to get clear details tonight, for anyone's who interested.
It's only 25 bucks, so if I have to kiss it goodbye, so be it, but if one of you can save it for me, I got nothing more to lose.


  • If no one else is interested in this offer, I'll go in BusDriver's place. Just hope they consider me his twin brother from out of town :D
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    If no one else is interested in this offer, I'll go in BusDriver's place.  Just hope they consider me his twin brother from out of town :D

    lol Until you get a 1st place finish in the league this season, you'll have go by ugly cousin, just like Derek. :D

    ok, I got a little more info. check your PM
  • Busdriver is backing people in tournaments....where do I sign up for this :D

    Good Luck tonight STR82ACE
  • I let you down, Jeff. :'(
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    I let you down, Jeff.   :'(

    Give us some details was the game? Did you get sucked out on?
  • Cold Cards all night. Nothing more than J9o at anytime. Only got lucky enough to only rebuy once, when my trip 9's got hammered by a straight on the river (AGAIN :rage: ). After the rebuy period, I managed to double up a couple of times, then got moved to another table where I was WAY behind in chips. Blinds were 100/200, going up to 200/400 any second, and I only had about 4xBB at that point. Again get JQo, flop comes up 99J. Pushed all in, get called by someone holding a 9 garbage.

    Tough night. Wasn't getting any cards, and the first table I was at, there was this big Russian guy who went all in every hand, until he finally went bust on his bluff.
  • Oh well, I was holding back all day, waiting to look at this post, wishing, hoping, for some good news.  :'( Well, you tried your best, and you had fun, right?

    My buddy who was there busted out 1hr 40min into it.

    Look at it as practice.  You get to mix it up with different players.

    On a side note; did you feel any less pressure or more pressure, knowing it was sort of a freeroll?  I've played before when I've been bought in by a buddy, and I find it slightly less stressful. (Bad beats / suckouts always feel the same though)
  • did you feel any less pressure or more pressure, knowing it was sort of a freeroll?

    Actually, I really wanted to do well BECAUSE it was YOUR investment initially. I did do a rebuy though (just one), but I wanted to be able to tell you I made the money rounds, here's your buyin back. Don't think it added stress to my game, but it was a thought banging around in my head all the same.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    I only had about 4xBB at that point.  Again get JQo, flop comes up 99J.  Pushed all in, get called by someone holding a 9 garbage. 

    I would have pushed preflop. Not saying the results would have been different but with only 4xBB that is my only move.
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