Rama on the Apprentice - What gives??

Did anyone notice the Casino Rama advertising on top of the taxi cab last night when the loser was giving his departing speech? I think the guy knocked off last night was from Canada so maybe they figured this would be a good way to advertise the casino to the Canadian audience. I wonder if this part of the show is customized for the different viewing markets? Don't see it being that effective in bringing American's up to Canada just to visit Rama.



  • I saw that too and spat out my coke.

    I would take a guess that they (Rama) don't normally advertise on NY taxis. I'll bet that they paid just to advertise on that one for the sake of the show...and wouldn't be surprised if that taxi were specifically for the Canadian networks.
  • I also noticed. When I was in NYC I must say that I didn't see any Candian advertising. They do all kinds of crazy things with advertisements these days. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the ad space on the taxis were green screens that the networks sell off as part of the show. However it looked pretty real and would have been much more sophisticated technology then those lame Pizza Pizza ads during NFL games or where they super impose a fake blimp above the stadium.

    Most of that show is about advertising, it actually bugs me quite a bit ... did anyone have Grape Nuts for breakfast?
  • a lot of times networks can superimpose ads onto backgrounds....apprentice is taped, so they probably whited out the original ad, and put in the RAMA advertisment specifically for global (or whatever...)
    they did the same thing with the billboards during the superbowl during the game...
  • Was my previous post invisible? Did you ignore me Quiane? Can I call JINX now so you can't talk for the rest of the day?
  • i do beleive sir, that i owe you a coke! :)
    sorry about that! i dont know why i didn't see it!
    strange how the mind filters weird things out, because i remember reading your post...and i still posted the same response anyways...
  • The ads are fake. They've been using the Rama ads for a couple episodes now. If you watch carefully you will see the ad jump a small bit out of sync with the montion of the cab. It is Global that is superimposing them.
  • Greenscreen effect, just like on the NFL games on cable: Canadian Tire in the US?, no.
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