Folded's @ Monday Nite 7:30pm - $40 freezeout if we can get at least 8 people

Hey guys.  Looking for a little poker tonight in North Waterloo. Post here by 530 if your interested.

1   Folded
2   Stpboy
3   The Prophet22
4 Shopsy


  • "post here". Done.

    Yes, I'm in.

  • Can't make it.... but I just have to point out that stpboy signed up in 37 seconds!  That might be a forum record.


    Yup, congratulations Shannon!

  • Sweet, I am fast!


    edit: if by "fast" I mean "a loser", then yes "fast".
  • I"m in if theres a game
  • Damn, it's 5:43
  • i'm in for sure... is anyone driving? i think haddon means that he's in.
  • split a cab?
  • yeah if we can't get a ride.... if it even runs...
  • I'm going to le store de biere.

    msn me later.
  • Folded's @ Monday Nite 7:30pm - $40 freezeout if we can get at least 8 people

    I'm just wondering who this Monday nite guy is and why we're playing 'folded' at his house?


  • i was wondering the same thing stp... we could try to play some 'folded' i don't know when/who/if anyone will win though...
  • stpboy wrote:
    Folded's @ Monday Nite 7:30pm - $40 freezeout if we can get at least 8 people

    I'm just wondering who this Monday nite guy is and why we're playing 'folded' at his house?



    Monday Nite is an accountant who made up a game called "Folded's" where you stradle and re stradle and sometimes re re re stradle blinds. The goal is to get rid of as many chips as possible. The guy with most at the end loses/didn't have fun.
  • It's on.. Sorry guys.. Computer really sucks tonight and I couldn't get on. I will send directions shortly
  • sweet... see you guys around 7:15
  • folded can you please PM me some directions before 7:00
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