For all the married folks

I'm not really into the marriage "thing", I don't really see the point in today's society.


  • You off your meds GTA?
  • I asked my spouse and according to her I'm happy and far better off then I would be had I not married her.
    Also according to her I spend way too much time surfing CPF and playing poker.
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    I don't really see the point in today's society.
    Legally I'd agree with you, there is no point to marriage anymore. However, if you actually believe in vows, they are a binding agreement "till death do us part". "Love" and "convenience" come and go, but if your foundation is a vow which cannot be altered, it adds a lot of stability. My wife and I have a great marriage, but there have still been times we've been totally fed up with each other, and the only thing which forced us to work through things was our vows (and friends who held us accountable to them). I also believe there is a spiritual blessing and protection that comes from marriage, but that comes down to religion.

    I still believe marriage is very important (maybe more important considering our new culture of selfishness), but it comes down to whether you believe a vow is something binding or something you can change.
  • "You can be married...or you can be happy...but you can't be both!" :D
    -Curly from The Three Stooges
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    "You can be married...or you can be happy...but you can't be both!" :D
      -Curly from The Three Stooges

    STR82ACE you like to flirt with Death.
  • Of Course I do!!

    I called your Kings with 10's, didn't I?? :D
  • BBC Z wrote:
    You off your meds GTA?

    I took the blue ones today
  • Getting married at 24 was the best thing I ever did.
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Getting married at 24 was the best thing I ever did.

  • beanie42 wrote:
    GTA Poker wrote:
    I don't really see the point in today's society.
    Legally I'd agree with you, there is no point to marriage anymore. 

    I think the whole marriage license thing is unnecessary and for me a big ceremony is a waste of money...what's more important is the bond between two people, whether it's written, vows, religious, or just within their hearts that's all that matters. I certainly don't believe there is a need to go through the process of getting married....however I can appreciate the fact that some women look forward to the whole chore of finding a dress, picking the menu, the flowers, etc, etc. My wife and I both think the whole ceremony was just for our parents....we would have been fine just with something small and inexpensive. That said, married or not I am much happier being with my wife then I ever could be without her....and we've made two of the coolest little dudes I know and they multiplied the happiness big time!!!!! (It must of been all my wife's doing my part was really over quick and I pretty much suck at everything?)
  • Big E wrote:
    I think the whole marriage license thing is unnecessary
    Actually, the marriage license is NOT a legal requirement in many cases. My wife and I did not get one, nor do most people who are married in our church.  Standard IANAL applies ;)
    however I can appreciate the fact that some women look forward to the whole chore of finding a dress, picking the menu, the flowers, etc, etc.

    Therein lies the difference between men and women. I don't think any woman considers it to be a chore, since they usually like to do this for at least a year
  • I agree with a lot of what Eric said. Amy and I did have a small intimate wedding on the side of a mountain out in Alberta (near where I grew up). It was more of a formailty then a requirement and with our first baby due any time I am really excited about what that is going to bring into our lives.
  • Getting a wife was the best thing I ever did - an we don't even have little ones yet.

    The ceremony was something I might avoid next time though. We did the whole white wedding. 300+ people at the golf course, 4 course meal, string quartet at the ceremony and cocktails. And of course, I don't remember more than 10 minutes of the day.

    I wanted to do a Luau - with big margaritas as the centerpieces and a steel drum band...

    Next time maybe...

    Note for the forum:

    Don't EVER, even in jest, introduce your woman as your future ex-wife. They don't find that funny.
  • with our first baby due any time I am really excited about what that is going to bring into our lives.

    Congratz Adam......and it's going to be awesome, there is nothing like it! Kids can take you through every emotion you can imagine, push you to the edge of sanity.....then, they look at you and smile....and everything in the world is alright!

    I wish you and your wife all the best!
  • beanie42 wrote:
    Actually, the marriage license is NOT a legal requirement in many cases. 

    hmmm, that I did not know....since neither my wife or I are members of a church or practice any religion we got married by a JP in the little church at the Pioneer Village, we had some of the players from some KW Orchestra playing, then a big reception at a Golf course and like York said....I don't remember much other then almost passing out...and how beautiful my wife looked...and that fact that my best man DID NOT have any beer for me prior to the ceremony starting!!!! Now the Honeymoon I do remember..St. Lucia baby and it was awesome!!!!! Not to hijack the thread but what are some of the places people have visited on Honeymoons....that is one part of the whole marriage process that is pretty sweet.....that is if someone else pays for it! :D
  • with our first baby due any time I am really excited about what that is going to bring into our lives.
    Not much longer either :) . Kids really are great, and you'll have a blast (and do great)!
  • We did an Alaskan Cruise for a honeymoon. It wasn't too far of a trip since we were married in Banff. It was amazing, beautiful and if you have ever been on a cruise it is THE way to travel. Just make sure you lose 10 or 20 lbs before the trip, they fatten you up real good with 5 course meals every night.

    Thanks for the notes on the kids, 2 other close friends are also having (one was born last week) kids around the same time so going through everything together (and all getting away at the same time for poker) is going to be a blast.
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    JohnnieH wrote:
    Getting married at 24 was the best thing I ever did.


    Why do you find that funny?

    I'm not mad, I'm just curious.
  • Getting a wife was the best thing I ever did - an we don't even have little ones yet.

    Where did you get her? Where are you planning on getting your kids?

    I am very thankful that my wife is such a giving person. She is a much better parent and spouse than I could ever hope to be.

    I love being a father and a husband but there never seems to be enough hours in the day to spend time with my family. It's too bad that so many of us are preoccupied with making a living instead of actually enjoying life.
  • Yorkpoker wrote:

    Note for the forum:

    Don't EVER, even in jest, introduce your woman as your future ex-wife. They don't find that funny.

    True. If you really want to live dangerously, introduce her as the mother of some of your children.
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    GTA Poker wrote:
    JohnnieH wrote:
    Getting married at 24 was the best thing I ever did.


    Why do you find that funny?

    I'm not mad, I'm just curious.

    I thought you were being sarcastic, my bad
  • No sweat. :D

    I was being serious, and I do enjoy being married.

    I'm pretty sure my wife does to.

  • Definitely happier... unless she's bluffing me out of a pot... then I start to wonde.... never mind!! Happier!!

    Here's a funny quote from some comedian (can't remember name)...

    "How come when you single, all you see is married couples,
    and then when you're married, all you see is.... hookers?
  • Myself like JohnieH am getting married this year (i'm 24). We're getting married in Cuba and I can't wait. I tried to convince her to go to the dominican so we can go to a resort with a casino, but she wouldn't budge. I even asked her if we can have a poker theme wedding, with the theme song to the WSOP playing when we march down the isle, and her saying "I'm ALL-IN" instead of "I DO" and I replying "I CALL". Damn that would've been awesome. Oh well maybe next time.
  • cristi wrote:
    Myself like JohnieH am getting married this year (i'm 24). We're getting married in Cuba and I can't wait. I tried to convince her to go to the dominican so we can go to a resort with a casino, but she wouldn't budge. I even asked her if we can have a poker theme wedding, with the theme song to the WSOP playing when we march down the isle, and her saying "I'm ALL-IN" instead of "I DO" and I replying "I CALL". Damn that would've been awesome. Oh well maybe next time. long as you don't as "I fold..I mean I do" you'll be fine.

    Congrats, I hope all goes well.

  • long as you don't as "I fold..I mean I do" you'll be fine.

    Congrats, I hope all goes well.


    Lol, unless I know for sure she's not bluffing, then I'll call, but depends on the pot odds, and also I think only first place pays out, have to see how it goes down. lol

    thanks JohnnieH :D
  • I really don't remember what life was life before my wife and kids.
    based on the law...i've been married for 13 the eyes of the church 11 years. Two great kids...and a wife that tolerates the drinking, gambling and being "big boned"...but, not in the right sense

    I don't give her the credit she deserves...but, that's just one of my many shortcomings.

    I was 23 when we moved in...25 when I married, and in the end, glad as hell that I did it...
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