How to play this

I was going through some HH when I was rampaging awhile back, and for some reason this hand sticks out and I'm just looking for comments.

Stars 5-10 6 max. Table has been loose, at times passive.

Hero in MP with the red rockets (no, not Matt Bonner for Raptors fans)

Hero raised, button calls along with 2 blinds.

Flop all hearts, non-connected rags.

Blinds checked to hero, hero raised with overpair and nut-flush draw, button calls, BB checkraises...hero should?
(I was pretty sure BB either had the flush already, or hit a set/two pair, in another words I was pretty sure I was behind, but with redraws.)

Edit: Hero calls so does the button

To finish the hand

Turn black ace. Villain bet, hero raise, button folds, villain 3 bets, hero calls

River black queen. Villian bet, hero calls.

Any different line you would take here?


  • Personally I call the flop.  If you re-raise you might eliminate the 3rd player and I would want him for one more card at least.

    I play this like you did. I don't see myself folding trips with a 3flush on board very often unless there is heavy action.
  • I would be inclined to three bet the flop to see if it generates a cap by the check raiser

    If it does it gives you a more clear reason to pause on a table that has shown passive tendancies

    I think the hand plays out exactly the same the rest of the way.
  • 3-bet the flop, you still figure to have the best hand and even if you don't you probably have a lot of outs. You want to keep the initiative here, his checkraise could mean a lot of different things, and make the other player pay to draw out on you, the pot is already pretty big. Once he 3-bets the turn I think calling down is fine if he's not crazy aggro since it looks like he has a flush.
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