hand analysis: a pair of kings

(No Limit tournament Hold'em)
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     HERO is at seat 0 with 2820.
     VILLAIN is at seat 1 with 3230.
     seat 2 with 1785.
     seat 3 with 225.
     seat 4 with 2300.
     seat 5 with 2245.
     seat 6 with 2300.
     seat 7 with 2400.
     seat 8 with 2280.
     seat 9 with 1450.
     The button is at seat 1.
     seat 2  posts the small blind of 20.
     seat 3  posts the big blind of 40.

     HERO:  :kh :ks
     VILLAIN:  -- --

          Seat 4 to 9 folds.   HERO raises to 250.   VILLAIN
          re-raises to 460.   
          seat 6 calls.   HERO goes all-in for 2820. 
          VILLAIN calls.   seat 6 folds.   

          Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

               HERO shows :kh :ks.
               VILLAIN shows :6c :6d.

Flop (board: :5h :2d :7c):

        (no action in this round)

Turn (board: :5h :2d :7c :jc):

        (no action in this round)

River (board: :5h :2d :7c :jc :6s):

        (no action in this round)



     HERO has Kh Ks 7c Jc 6s: a pair of kings.
     VILLAIN has 6c 6d 7c Jc 6s: three sixes.

Hand  Summary:

     No rake is taken for this hand.
     VILLAIN wins 6160 with three sixes.

did i do anything wrong?  :fish:


  • did i do anything wrong?  :fish:
    Unless you put him on aces, get all your money in there. Tough result, but I don't see any problem with your play (although I'm curious why you think you might have misplayed it).
  • In case you are serious.

    You can never do better than getting your money in with the best of it.  You raised more than 6* the big blind, got re-raised, and then got your all-in called with roughly an 80-20 edge.  Remember, some people do well in spite of how they do things not because of how they do things.
  • beanie42 wrote:
    did i do anything wrong?  :fish:
    Unless you put him on aces, get all your money in there.  Tough result, but I don't see any problem with your play (although I'm curious why you think you might have misplayed it).
    this guy took forever to call me, i thought maybe he had AKs or TT

    was wondering if i had not raised it 6x BB but 4x BB, would the results have been different?
  •  Remember, some people do well in spite of how they do things not because of how they do things.
    ok what does that mean?
    could you put that in more simplier terms?
    i'm confused :D
  • It means that some people (you) do all the right things but luck screws them over, and some people do the wrong things but luck gives them a helping hand.
  • It means that some people (you) do all the right things but luck screws them over, and some people do the wrong things but luck gives them a helping hand.
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