psi" Sam - $192,000
"nordique" Kevin - $145,00
"JohnnieH" Johnnie H - $119,000
"TiMSuM" Tim - $96,500
"diddy" Paul S - $88,500
"Hollywoods" Cole - $44,500


  • You may have missed somebody in your poll...does this mean we can't vote for Tim ??
  • Write in vote.....TIM  :D
  • Go Johnnie!
  • Johnnie!!!!
  • So who is WHOS? And why is he/she the legend already?

    I'll vote for Johnnie, unless someone gets runner runner against him..Don't rule that out.
  • Woooo I have 3 votes.
    So I need to knock out Johnnie first and I win, woot lol :D
  • johnnie... happy pattys day to all
  • Sam played well at my table last Saturday. Although as a whole I don't think the table "played" that well.

    GL to all, but, my vote went for JohnnieH, take it down brother.
  • GOOOOO JOHNNIE!!!!!!!!!!
  • I'll vote for Johnnie, unless someone gets runner runner against him..Don't rule that out.

    You know that's how going out. LOL. As long as I don't throw a major fit on camera, I'll be happy.

    Thanks for the love all, I'll do you proud.


    ps...I didn't vote.
  • what no respect at all thanks guys remember as mario said those pocket 2s catching a straigth on the river on my all in was the tsn turning point lol
  • nordique wrote:
    what no respect at all thanks guys  remember as mario said those pocket 2s  catching a  straigth on the river on my all in was the tsn turning point lol

    Must be related to Cole.
  • Good luck all!  This has been an incredible event and many thanks and high praise goes to Zithal!

  • magithighs wrote:
    Good luck all!  This has been an incredible event and many thanks and high praise goes to Zithal!


    While we have had no updates, I'd like to 2nd the Praise to Zithal. Good work and many thanks. I enjoy every game I play at your place. Congrats on pulling this one off.
  • Sorry for the lack of updates everyone...we had a lot to fillm, and in order to ensure that we weren't playing until monday we had to move as quickly as possible...

    The final six battled for an awesome 6 hours, playing over 130 hands.

    The final standings are:

    6th - Johnnie H
    5th - Tim "TimSum" Hung
    4th - "Psi" Sam
    3rd - "Holywood" Coe Woods
    2nd - Paul "Diddy" Stephens

    and the first ever Legend of Bristol St...


    Congratulations to everyone at the final table for your excellent play, and most of all to Kevin for your win.

    Detailed results will be posted within the next few days by Rob.
  • godbout not godbut common easy mind is always in the gutter
  • congrats kevin! nice come back from shortstack when it was three left.

    can't wait to see the DVD. thanks to rob again for hosting a great tournament.

    p.s...Easy..it's Hong...hung is how i am.  hahaha  :D
  • Congrats Kevin.
  • Congrats Kev... Great game.

    I was there to watch the final 3 and it was good poker - cant wait to see the actual hand history!!

    And I think we all agree the real winner here is Rob and the Bristol St Tournaments.

    Although there is only one Legend - Rob has cemented himself and Bristol as the benchmark for tournaments in the KW region.
  • i second the comments there tom
    great job rob
  • Congrats Kev on the big win!
  • TiMSuM wrote:

    p.s...Easy..it's Hong...hung is how i am.  hahaha  :D

    Clearly I was just trying to get you a date from one of the fine ladies here on the forum...that's what teammates are for
  • Easy wrote:

    Clearly I was just trying to get you a date from the one fine lady here on the forum...that's what teammates are for

    Ummm, you mean from Xuan. Right? I'll get in line.....


    p.s. (whispering) tell her I like her and ask her if she likes me...
  • Thanks to everyone who took part in this tournament (and thanks for everyone's kind words). This thing was huge and there was a number of people who helped out that I can't thank enough...

    First to "Easy" for being my second in command throughout the day; from player interviews to recapping the final table her help was invaluable.

    Thanks to Brent, Shannon and Mark who gave up part of their Saturday to help deal the final table. There's not a lot of glory to be had for the dealers, so this was very nice of them.

    Thanks to "Pinhead" Brad for the use of his table. That thing is gorgeous and will look very nice on film.

    And, finally, thanks to all the players for being really great people. My home is treated with respect and I have no problems invite everyone in for a packed house of poker. You guys deal with the bad beats in a respectful way, and that says a lot for the class and quality of the players that come through my place.

    Now beings the long task of making this sucker look pretty. Hopefully not before too long (i.e measured in months, not years) I'll have something really cool to show everyone.

    Thanks again to everyone for making this tournament a success, and congrats to the winners!!
  • It shows how much class Rob has that he posts a message to thank US.

    KW Poker would be nothing without the fantastic events at Bristol.
  • He's thanking us for signing all those Video Release Forms.

    Rob, I hope you make a ton of money off the DVD! Then Legends 2.0 can be a freeroll for everyone who was in this Legends!!!!

  • It shows how much class Rob has that he posts a message to thank US.

    KW Poker would be nothing without the fantastic events at Bristol.

    I couldn't said it any better, Andrew! So I quoted you!!!

    Rob, I don't know where you come up with these ideas, but keep'em comin!!! Somehow you've managed to out-do even yourself. This was an amazing tournament, thanks so much for all your blood, sweat, tears and whatever other bodily fluids you put into these last few weeks.

    You truly are the BEST HOST IN KITCHENER WATERLOO!!!!!!!!

    Thanks again, see you at the next one!!

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