Game 2 Results

The second game of Season 2 is now over, with Justin taking the $320 pot for first when his AQo beat out my pair of dueces on the River Queen. Lately, Queens on the River have been absolutely BRUTAL for me!! :rage:

I did take $190 though for my efforts for a nice second place finish, and BusDriver redeemed himself from being CHUMP last week to take third place. Nice game everyone.

It was great to see so many new faces too. Terry and Tony returned for their second game, and it was great to meet Gus, Little Tony, Igor, Allen, and Wyndem. You guys are welcome to come back and join us anytime.

This week's CHUMP was Tony...who now owns the record for quickest bust out at 11mins 23 seconds. BTW, Derek's smile couldn't be knocked off with a 2x4!! :D

Great game everyone. See you next week.


  • Congrats Justin! When it was down to four I knew it was your were bullying that table around like no tomorrow!

    What's up with the rest of you guys? Justin shows up in his pajama pants and a beanie and you let him boss you around? Sheesh!

    It was great seeing all the new faces....made for a nice juicy game (too bad I couldn't get a piece of it!).

  • Well if isn't wasn't for AJ and his pocket 10's the night would have been mine ;)

    I mean if I can take a 5-3 of hearts and win then the rest of you have no chance.

    It was a good game overall; my co-workers all had a good time and have expressed interest in attending a few future games. Hopefully we can get TNT crew (Terry and Tony) to come out to a few more game also.

    I can't wait for next week.
  • ElElliott wrote:
    What's up with the rest of you guys? Justin shows up in his pajama pants and a beanie and you let him boss you around? Sheesh!

    What... were you there last night El?? Kidding.

    Good game and great play Justin. I was envious... I wanted to bully!

    PS: AJ, I'm still smiling.... even after David brought in his internet play with 57os. This game Tony.... next game David :rage:
  • Justin - " I not use to playing with such a big stack"  Or was that just part of the phycological warfare?  

    I really enjoyed the game, new players keep me guessing, since I got all you season 1 guys figured out, it was just a matter of dogding Terry's bullets.

    I especially enjoyed the new "time" rule.  Except it doesn't work if you put a 30 second time limit on a player, who then goes on a 60 second rant.  :D  Only if I could have kept you on tilt AJ, could have made some nice pots.
  • Great game by all last night, I really enjoyed seeing lots of new people with unique strategies. Congrats to Busdriver and AJ for a great final three. Derek and Chris I almost thought we were going to get TOC again but those poker stars cards cause some serious trauma to a few players. This time I was on the receiving end of those with my runner heart runner heart to change my top pair into a flush and beat out trip 7's. I hope to see everyone again next week, because we all benefit from watching a variety of play.
  • JHJ wrote:
    we all benefit from watching a variety of play.

    I couldn't agree with this statement more. It's great to get some new people at the table and have them try to figure each of us out as we try to figure them out. Makes for some great experience and alot of fun.

    I guess it was an ACE on the river that Justin hit against me, not the Queen. Sorry guys. Been taking a beating lately with Queens, so when I saw Justin holding one, I knew I was beat.

    Jeff, the 'time' rule was added to the game for one reason...TO SPEED YOU UP!! Calling time on me after only a couple of seconds was very....BOLD...of you to do :rage:. I was almost shell shocked you actually called time on me. Had to raze you abit for doing it. Wasn't tilting dude, just shocked.

    Chris, sorry about catching that straight to beat your KK's. Actually, NO, I'm not sorry. I earned at least one beating, and you're as good a guy to lay it against as anyone. You and I have been headsup so often in the past, I didn't want to face you again anyway.
  • wait a minute! ...

    Just went to the HPT site to confirm for game 3 (went very painless this time, didn't make me login twice, I think the site remembers me on this computer). When I was there, I checked the points standings. So Dereks two 4th places gives more points than my 3rd + 8th :rage: ? Well, my only confort, is that Derek is shaping up to be this season's new "UGLY COUSIN"
  • It's the new formula we are using. The people that play each week, the more points get distributed around. Makes a HUGE difference from 8 players and 16 players, almost twice the points are awarded. Therefore, if we can get more players to attend each game, the points really climb quickly, especially for those that make the finally 5 or 6.
  • How about getting rid of those dam Rive....PokerStars cards. :rage:
  • wait a minute! ...

    Just went to the HPT site to confirm for game 3 (went very painless this time, didn't make me login twice, I think the site remembers me on this computer).  When I was there, I checked the points standings.  So Dereks two 4th places gives more points than my 3rd + 8th   :rage: ?   Well, my only confort, is that Derek is shaping up to be this season's new "UGLY COUSIN"

    I'm raising your big blind for that remark.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    How about getting rid of those dam Rive....PokerStars cards.   :rage:

    Are you kidding? How else am I supposed to have my 10's suck out on your K's???
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