Short handed limit question

I was playing a 5 handed limit sng this morning on Pacific. Hadn't played a hand for the first 20 or so hands. Have 750 or so in chips. I get QQ under the gun and raise. Get a re raise from the button who had been very aggressive and had short chipped 3 other people (I was in 2nd). I re raise him and he caps. The board is A 5 3 rainbow. I check call him down. I thought about folding but this just seemed too weak. He flips the A 10 off. The blinds were 15/30 at this point. Given the starting stack and that I was presently in 2nd was this the correct play, or should I have been mr weak/tight and fold to the A. Given this was pacific I think the button could have a pair like 10's and still capped preflop early. Anythoughts? I did go on to win it after fighting mr big stack from a low of 130 chips. It also helped that my KQ suited hit the straight to his AK off after a cap fest.


  • AcidJoe wrote:
    Given this was pacific I think the button could have a pair like 10's and still capped preflop early. Anythoughts?

    I often have this problem too in low buy-in SnGs. I assume (based on early hands shown) that almost everyone at the table is a moron and plays weak cards. It gets me into a lot of trouble because I don't think I am beat when they push back on aggression (i.e. overpair to a low board for example). This is where I usually lose a lot of chips. So then the next game I play a little more conservatively and then they show their 9 high bluff after I fold - you just can't win! On that flop I could picture my opponent with something like K2, K4 easily based on the cards that many showdown.

    I think you did the right thing for your read, it's limit after all, you aren't putting too much of your stack at risk. No A on the flop and you are golden.
  • Against a really aggressive player I might check raise on the flop because you know he's betting out if he missed the flop. If he reraises I might bail right there. If not I lead the turn thinking I'm ahead.
  • I re raise him and he caps. The board is A 5 3 rainbow. I check call him down. I thought about folding but this just seemed too weak.

    I think that is too weak...I don't think you're wrong in check calling down the hand but I would have re-raised post-flop to get a better idea of where I stand...if he comes back at me then I'm sure he's on an A and I likely dump otherwise I likely by myself a free card on the turn.
  • This is a hard situation. Against some players when they raise you they have to have the A. Against others, possibly this guy, it doesn't mean much. Sometimes you'll have to take this to showdown, I don't think you played this terribly, but make sure you can fold to the predictable guys.
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