The biggest lost in one single day? (poker)

In Sweden its not OK to ask how much you earn at you job or poker but I ask the oposit question. How much have you lost in one pokerday??


Tell us!


  • Wait a minute! I can lose my WIFE?? Hmmmmmmmmmmm :D
  • Approx. $2700 USD I think.  That was a few days ago.  It's possible that I had similar one-day losses when I went on my last tear at PokerRoom, but I can't remember exact numbers.  $25-$50 LHE, especially shorthanded, can be an extremely volatile game.

    That being said, this month has been my most profitable month of poker1, and we're barely halfway through it.  Ask me how it feels though, to turn off the computer and lean back and say to yourself: "I just lost $2700 USD".  It doesn't feel good, but it would feel worse if I wasn't engaged in a mental race against FedEx all the time.

    1Aside of course from June 05.
  • all_aces wrote:
    Ask me how it feels though, to turn off the computer....

    Computers turn off?!?!
  • Only when you go to sleep.
  • $300 in about 20 minutes....but I strayed from poker and was trying to whore some Black Jack and tilted it off in anger. Not a lot of money but when you're bank roll is only $1000 it was a good size chunk!
    I no longer play BJ...and I've made my $300 back this past week but it was a good learning experience.
  • Just over $200 in 15 minutes playing 0.15/0.25 NL. I'm hoping to have bigger losses in the future, but right now my bankroll isn't capable of that ;)
  • Went through a $500 day a couple of days ago, it wasn't a good feeling going to sleep knowing I just lost an xbox360.
  • People lose at poker.....hard to believe!!!
  • westside8 wrote:
    it wasn't a good feeling going to sleep knowing I just lost an xbox360.
    Just think of it as loaning your console to a friend for a few days ;)
  • Probably like $1500, I try not to look too much when it gets bad like that, but definitely over $1000.
  • 3400 playing 30/60 on pacific. I tilted. HARD. And jumped about 6 limits higher than I play and got my ass handed to me (I did go up to 5000+ during the same session).

    This was last year and I learned my lesson, and oh what a hard way to learn that lesson. I've worked the bankroll back up but that was really depressing.
  • A LOT
    I built up a very good bank roll (17K) over the course of a couple months and lost about (16K) back. When I was in my down swing I easily tilted off 4K in a day. My money managments SUCKS and Im trying to rebuild slowly....Im currently at 6k.
  • $500 in November in a day. I took a break afterwards and so far haven't been anywhere that close. I am sure I will again.
  • Jumped from playing 3/6 and 5/10 on absolute about 2 years ago to playing some 10/20 limit short handed. Lost $900 in about an hour. Live and learn they say.

  • all_aces wrote:
    Only when you go to sleep.

    oh so that's one of the 'when a tree falls in the forest' type of statements
  • No clue, I'd have to consult poker tracker for that. But I did lose quite a few Pacific $50 HU SNG's back to back to back to back.... which gets expensive.
  • Wasn't poker, but, dropped $2000.00 in about 1/2 hr (the last 1000 in less than 5 minutes) playing Blackjack 2 weeks ago.

    I lost site of the whoring factor (after having a great whoring session on Intercasino, running my 100+100 up to 1100.00 in a day)
    BBC_Z is right, if you can't handle the temptation, don't get involved in Blackjack whoring.

    Long story ending...i'm still up playing Blackjack....just learn from my mistake.
  • I used to be a big blackjack player, but I managed to quit while I was ahead. Last summer I won about $7,500, and the last day I played I lost $1200 ($1250 in ONE HAND but I was up about $900 at the time). Ever since then my goal has been to kill the "gamble" in me. I haven't played a game other than poker in over a year. I believe losing my urge to gamble has made me a much better and more consistant poker player. But I'll tell ya, it gets REALLY hard. Watching a buddy play BJ who goes on a $500 run and not play so much as a single bet really gets to ya.
  • The most I've lost in poker in one day is probably under $200 
  • Well la di da.
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