Rule discussion.

After having read the newly posted rules, feel free to voice your questions/concerns (praise?) about them. They will be enforced


  • sloth wrote:
    They will be enforced

  • ok, ok, I will not pee in the pool anymore!
  • good, because if you do, the urine turns purple and it follows you around and everyone will know and laugh at you.
  • sloth wrote:
    The rules of being a member.
    5. Posts that contain content considered to be racial, sexist, demeaning, harassing illegal or otherwise inappropriate.

    Does this mean that to follow the rules I have to make posts consisting of the above or my posts can't consist of the above?

    Just kidding. BTW, You guys have a pool?!?! :D (also, j/k)
  • Here's some praise, sloth!!! Well done!!!! Thanks for your hard work.

    Those are good rules/guidelines that I believe everyone can fallow. And not just on this Forum. They work out in the real world too. Especially #4. :D
  • Great work Sloth.  Glad you didn't take my post personally.  If I didn't believe in the forum and enjoy the folks, I would have been indifferent.  Hope no one decides to crap in the pool, but hey you do reserve the right to modify the rules!

  • Yes. #5 isn't a sentence.  It should finish with are not allowed or will be deleted or something.

    I hate statements like don't pee in our pool.  If the rules are serious and meant to be taken seriously then stuff like that just diminishes the intent, as can be seen from some of the jokes already above.
  • moose wrote:
    Yes. #5 isn't a sentence.  It should finish with are not allowed or will be deleted or something.

    I hate statements like don't pee in our pool.  If the rules are serious and meant to be taken seriously then stuff like that just diminishes the intent, as can be seen from some of the jokes already above.

    I think we are all grown up and understand Sloth's attempt...he has set the boundries and now we are all aware of what those boundries are, the pool reference is strictly light hearted humour....embrace humour day to day don't knock it, there's rarely enough of it and the day to day grind of 'life' is just too serious. I chuckled when I read it..when you chuckle you release stress, how can that be bad?
  • I edited #4 to be a complete sentence....

    As far as #5,(as Big E said) it was meant to take a little of the seriousness out in what is meant to be a fun community. If that is the first post a newly/non registered member were to read, then hopefully it would show a glimpse of how we don't take ourselves too seriously.

    Nothing says humour like a bodily function.
  • Just wondering your thoughts Sloth...

    "Bumping" is useless usually. Every other forum I go to forbids it. However, in the homegames section on a Thurs/Fri/Sat it seems that bumps are beneficial.

    I don't know, maybe I am just selfish and like that the K-W guys bump or "add on" to their posts so they are back up to the top.

    Okay, this post is useless. I am just being selfish. Sorry.

  • it's ok to bump for home games to serve as a reminder...cpf bucks aren't given for posts in the home game section anyway :)
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