One born every day.

***** Hand History for Game 3736550856 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $6 Buy-in Trny:21001162 Level:1 Blinds(20/40) - Monday, March 13, 22:19:05 ET 2006
Table Cincinnati Kid (Real Money)
Seat 8 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 9: roprecht ( $1960 )
Seat 1: winbob2000 ( $2000 )
Seat 10: SocietyRed ( $2000 )
Seat 4: rockyhigh111 ( $1920 )
Seat 3: jolenberg ( $1840 )
Seat 2: shellshock65 ( $1768 )
Seat 5: KRAZYGROSSER ( $1960 )
Seat 6: Tim1055 ( $2392 )
Seat 7: bxdunc2 ( $2240 )
Seat 8: Shane001111 ( $1920 )
Trny:21001162 Level:1
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to SocietyRed [  Ac Ad ]
winbob2000 calls [40].
shellshock65 folds.
jolenberg calls [40].
rockyhigh111 folds.
Tim1055 folds.
bxdunc2 calls [40].
Shane001111 folds.
roprecht calls [20].
SocietyRed is all-In  [1960]
SocietyRed: gotta go
winbob2000: where
jolenberg: what do you have
SocietyRed: work called
winbob2000 will be using his time bank for this hand.
winbob2000 folds.
SocietyRed: 68
jolenberg is all-In  [1800]
bxdunc2 folds.
roprecht folds.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4h, 7d, 3d ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 6h ]
** Dealing River ** [ 3c ]
SocietyRed shows [ Ac, Ad ] two pairs, aces and threes.
jolenberg shows [ Jc, 9d ] a pair of threes.
SocietyRed wins 160 chips from  side pot #1  with two pairs, aces and threes.
SocietyRed wins 3800 chips from  the main pot  with two pairs, aces and threes.
jolenberg finished in tenth place.


  • Nice angle-shoot.
  • You say that like it's such a bad thing.

    I'm surprised anyone would believe this line. But I do believe calling your hand '68' is unethical.
  • I was bluffing :P
  • It was unethical. But if that's the way you need to play to win..all the power to you.
  • unreal, disgusting actually...I'd never believe what someone says online but try this at a home game and you'd be picking your teeth up off the floor. I have no use for people who play this way.
  • It's ok, cause 68 would have won the hand anyway.
  • Hork42 wrote:
    It's ok, cause 68 would have won the hand anyway.

    I was thinking the same thing.....even if I believed he had 6-8 I still would have folded with Jack-9
  • I don't think this is "punch in the face" worthy. This is "$6 SNG funny". I wouldn't be upset, in fact nothing people say in the chat can be believed anyway. Red we're you just horsing around? Conducting an experiement?
    Fargin' funny!
    I was thinking the same thing.....even if I believed he had 6-8 I still would have folded with Jack-9

    Really? If you believed you had a 65% edge you would fold? I would have folded because I didn't believe him. If I were sure there is no way I would.
  • Big E wrote:
    unreal, disgusting actually...I'd never believe what someone says online but try this at a home game and you'd be picking your teeth up off the floor. I have no use for people who play this way.

    Wanna come to my next home game and shoot your mouth off. That was clearly uncalled for and threatning someone with physical harm for having some fun at a low buyin SNG is idiotic and you sir are a moron and I have no time for you.
  • It was unethical. But if that's the way you need to play to win..all the power to you.

    No i dont need to play this way to win, I do just fine with my skills. This was a fun thing to prove to me the level of skill players at party have at this level.
  • For what it's worth...

    I don't feel that was fair to the others or true to the game, and I disagree with it SocietyRed. Poor etiquette / sportsmanship IMO.


  • Really?  If you believed you had a 65% edge you would fold?  I would have folded because I didn't believe him.  If I were sure there is no way I would.

    In this situation Hells yeah.....why risk all my chips on a suck out? I would prefer to have a pocket pair just to be sure.
  • DrTyore wrote:
    For what it's worth...

      I don't feel that was fair to the others or true to the game, and I disagree with it SocietyRed.  Poor etiquette / sportsmanship IMO.


    Now this is a post worth reading. Very nice Dr.Tyore. You can state your opinion without the need for insults or threats.
    And I do sort of agree with you, it was not the best thing to do and I wont defend it or try and justify it.
  • If he really did have the 6 8 the cards would have been different and the 6 would probably not have hit. So it is a moot point.

    Have fun the way you want. It is still a seedy thing to do.
  • SocietyRed wrote:

    Now this is a post worth reading. Very nice Dr.Tyore. You can state your opinion without the need for insults or threats.

    My thanks.... but re:
    SocietyRed wrote:
    And I do sort of agree with you, it was not the best thing to do and I wont defend it or try and justify it.

    You already did....
    SocietyRed wrote:
    This was a fun thing to prove to me the level of skill players at party have at this level.

  • BigChrisEl wrote:

    Really? If you believed you had a 65% edge you would fold? I would have folded because I didn't believe him. If I were sure there is no way I would.

    In this situation Hells yeah.....why risk all my chips on a suck out? I would prefer to have a pocket pair just to be sure.

    Because you have the edge.
    Your risking all your chips on a suckout every time you get all in with the best hand (heads up preflop). There was a thread in Dave's section that talks about whether or not you should take the coinflip.

    I'm still not decided on coinflips but I know I am not good enough to give up a 65% edge.

  • SocietyRed wrote:
    Wanna come to my next home game and shoot your mouth off. That was clearly uncalled for and threatning someone with physical harm for having some fun at a low buyin SNG is idiotic and you sir are a moron and I have no time for you.

    Whatever hero. Regardless of how good you think you are that's a pathetic play. IMO there is a certain code of ethics when playing, that crossed the line. Some may think it's funny, not me....but, that'is just my opinion.

    For what it's worth, you're not special and I did not just threaten you, I threatened everyone who would pull a move like that at a table I'm on, if you don't want a smack upside the head then don't do something so retarded!
  • How did the other players at the table react??

    No offense, but it would have been nice to see him flop JJJ - just for Karma.
  • I said to my friend (88Fingers) who was sitting beside me that i deserve to lose after that.
    There was only one comment and the guy thought it was funny as hell.
  • Beware. In most major tournaments now you are not permitted to talk about the contents of your hand.
  • Scharf - Is it true that you can forfeit if you announce your hand - but you are ok to announce a hand you do not hold?
  • I don't know.

    I have never seen the rule enforced. I have seen lots of warnings (some of which have been given to me) but I have never seen any actual consequences. And, I note that I wasn't in trouble for talking about my hand so much as talking about HIS hand -- "You're sevens are no good, throw them away." I figure if I am right it will really play with their minds, but I don't do it often and now I don't do it at all.
  • I believe a couple of rules could come into play here, I can't remember exactly where I read these but one has to do with not acting in a way that can incourage or discourage action behind you and another would come into play if you were not first to act and told the truth - providing the person who acted behind you with information that was not available to the person who acted in front of you.

    In some low limit games with lots of action preflop you will see a player move all-in and anounce they have A-A in the chat. There intention ofcourse is to discourage alot of the people from calling so their aces have a better chance of holding up. Technically this would be against the rules however I have never seen any of these rules enforced.
  • As Society said, I was sitting beside him when this happened. When he announced "gotta go" and I saw he had AA, I didn't react much as I have seen this occur many times in games I am in (when Society is not there btw). That intial comment - whatever.

    When he stated he had 6-8, I told him I hope he gets called by some lower cards and gets rivered. That part I found a bit much for my personal taste.

    My thought on this is that poker has an element of deception to it. Whether it is representing you have something by betting, check raising, or by yelling 'woohoo' when the river puts three hearts on the board when you hold :ah :qc, how you decide to play is your perogative.

    Just for the record, I never tell anyone my hole cards until the hand is over. (And only then if they ask nicely and I wasn't on a bluff :D)
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