BigChris is contining his domination at the tables with a win last night in Game 1 of the second season.

The final three played very well, and it took awhile before someone was willing to risk it all. Down to headsup after Justin finally busted out, Chris and I were once again faced off against each other with about equal chip stacks. It took his Q9(?) to pair up when my A5 didn't get any help at all. Congradulations on yet another win take that WSOP Seat and make us proud!!

Oh, and we finally have a pic of BusDriver who earned the ever popular CHUMP award. It's ONLY about time.

I will be updating the file and sending it out over the weekend. I urge you all to review the new point system and comment back to me.


  • Good game all.

    It was good to get the league back and rolling.  There was some good move and plays last night and it looks like we have all tried to improve our game over the off period. I was sure I was headed for 3rd but then I sucked out on Justin (thanks Poker Stars Cards) and was back in the game.

    Justin......when you went all in for an extra 375 on top of the blinds in the small blind and I was the Big do you remember what you had? Just curious because either you had me dominated or had at least one over cards. (I wasn’t totally sure my Q-2 was worth the call)

    BTW what was up with Derek's full houses?
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    BTW what was up with Derek's full houses?

    I don't ever remember seeing so many boats in a single game for one player. As well, I nailed pocket pairs early on at least 4x. Must have been the PokerStars cards...THEY'RE RIGGED, YOU KNOW :D
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    BigChrisEl wrote:
    BTW what was up with Derek's full houses?

    I don't ever remember seeing so many boats in a single game for one player.  As well, I nailed pocket pairs early on at least 4x.  Must have been the PokerStars cards...THEY'RE RIGGED, YOU KNOW :D

    I hope that the full house thing isn't over. PS - I only hit twice... which is about 2 times more than normal for me. Usually I get giddy when I hit a pair! :D

    Congrats Chris. I guess you used my chips wisely. I also agree that there is some noticable improved play. Kudos to all.

    Looking forward to the next game.
  • derksen wrote:
    I also agree that there is some noticable improved play. Kudos to all.

    I prefered it when you were all wowed by my poker greatness and had no choice but to succumb and hand over your chips.

    I guess I'll have to learn to actually play now. Ok, let's start with a discussion of these so-called "pot" "odds"
  • Good game to all last night,

    Chris on that hand I had K5 suited. I was so glad you didnt call cause I didnt want to get into a flop. I figured you would have called. If you had Q2 then you had live cards but I would have been a slight favorite. Have a good week guys and see you next week.
  • JHJ wrote:
    Good game to all last night,

    Chris on that hand I had K5 suited.  I was so glad you didnt call cause I didnt want to get into a flop.  I figured you would have called.  If you had Q2 then you had live cards but I would have been a slight favorite.  Have a good week guys and see you next week.

    I was looking forward to a TOC re-match but alas Derek couldn't keep up. At least I used his/Bus Drivers chips well. ;)
  • I don't know where to start  :'(

    PokerStar's cards are definately rigged, next week I'm bringing my KEMs.  What's all this talk about improved play.  If you didn't notice, I sucked.  Man, did the tires come off the bus last night.  The PoS cards where playing with my head.  Every hand I folded, I would have won.  Then hands I limped in, got raised.  The hands I did win, I had to fight for, or got only the blinds. (well, when you think about it, that's the only way it could go).

    What hurts the most, is the hand I had when I went all in. It was a repeat of season one when I hand QQ in the blinds, Derek raises, I go all-in and lose.  :'(  :'(  :rage:
  • I'm scared to come back now... you guys are getting too good.
  • I don't know where to start  :'(

    PokerStar's cards are definately rigged, next week I'm bringing my KEMs.  What's all this talk about improved play.  If you didn't notice, I sucked.  Man, did the tires come off the bus last night.  The PoS cards where playing with my head.  Every hand I folded, I would have won.  Then hands I limped in, got raised.  The hands I did win, I had to fight for, or got only the blinds. (well, when you think about it, that's the only way it could go).

    What hurts the most, is the hand I had when I went all in. It was a repeat of season one when I hand QQ in the blinds, Derek raises, I go all-in and lose.  :'(  :'(  :rage:

    Well.... I raise short handed with A5 suited about 3 times BB.... or 85% of your stack in other words. You reraise all in.... well, at this point, I am not a fan of my hand, but have to call with the odds and that voice in my head telling me if I fold, he'll kill me.
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