poker porn

not a big fan of 65o, but with that kind of position i'd probably take a flop.


  • In that situation, you need to do whatever you can to get all in
  • is it work safe? I'm guessing not...even from the url alone.
  • 2 things

    one - when posting stuff like this, Sloth's very right - you must must must must say that it is 'r' rated.

    two - what's with the big diamond ring in picture 4 - doesn't that spoil the mood?
  • Chris wrote:

    not a big fan of 65o, but with that kind of position i'd probably take a flop.
    I'd be pushing my big stack all in.
  • man, i love poker and i love the ladies, just somehow the two don't belong together in my mind
  • wow...its not often you see a woman with a stack like that...spread out on a poker table none the less...its wrong...wrong i tell you...this kind of thing should not be made from now on send this stuff directly to me
  • whole different meaning when DN sayz "yummy!"
  • Yorkpoker wrote:
    2 things

    one - when posting stuff like this, Sloth's very right - you must must must must say that it is 'r' rated.

    two - what's with the big diamond ring in picture 4 - doesn't that spoil the mood?

    yeah...banging married whores is slightly less satisfying?
  • Who's bangin' her? Nobody told ME! :rage:
  • jpajamas wrote:
    Who's bangin' her? Nobody told ME! :rage:

    It got me a 4 day banning and a bad case of the crabs, but I'd do it again
  • GTA! GTA! You are the man! I would like an invite for round 2,( I'll bring the disinfectant. :D)
  • Derogatory comment here about women and her body….. Masculine comment here about the size of my “chip stack” and how she would have trouble playing with such a large chip stack….Finally a Deprecating about how I’ll take all her chips then leave her.

    Take that lady although your probably nice and there is nothing wrong with pictures that show off something she has worked to have. That will teach you….

    Fat poker guy who sits at his computer all day who has never been near or touched a women like that.
  • Ok now i know you guys are alright... this in no way is manflirting,, I was beginning to worry about you all... And for the record the only reason i looked was cause AcidJoe was beside me at the time.. and i had to make sure you guys were not doing to much of the manflirting thing..
  • The girl talking on the front page is the ugliest chick ever...

  • They USED to be hot :'( , (maybe they got used too much :D , now just old and busted.
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