Moving to Vancouver

I am moving to Vancouver around mid august. My work contract ends around that time, I am unmarried with no kids, and I think a nice big change of scenery is just the ticket for me at this time.

I am posting this here because I am seeking advice on moving cross country from any forum users who may have done it. Any and all advice is welcome including ways to save money on the move itself, what to bring, what to leave behind etc.

I realize it's pretty non specific, but if you have any ideas?



  • have you ever been out there? do you know where abouts you'll be living? I'm jealous. Soooooooo beautiful out there. I lived out there by myself for a year before coming back to Ont.
  • Also jealous, have a blast!

    Never been :'(

  • Thanks guys,

    I have been to B.C twice, once as far as Whistler. I have several friends who have ventured out there over the past few years, and one, a very close friend who moved in January. I will be staying with her initially downtown.

    It's pretty exciting since I ahve no real job prospects, and no idea how I will make it all work. I think that's a big part of the appeal. Maybe I can take tournament poker lessons from Harthgosh, and pay the rent that way.

  • hopefully,i'll be joiining you in a year or so.

    I graduated from vet school in 2000 and moved to PA (don't ask), the following year I took a job in Seattle and packed whatever I could into my car and drove out west.

    The west coast is so unbelievably beautiful in comparison to the east, I've been back here for almost 2 years now due to a great job...but after saving enough to buy a house out there I'm gone.

    As for tips on moving, much are you taking with you? Movers are expennnnnnnnnnnnnsive so if your belongings aren't worth that much take what you can and buy new stuff out there. When I moved back to Toronto from Seattle I rented a Uhaul trailer and had a hitch placed on my car. Surrrrrrrrre, I melted the alternator housing by the time I got to Michigan and got stuck there over a long weekend in a Super 8 due to no foreign parts in the small town, but it was much less expensive. :D
  • Well, I have a car that isn't worth much to me anymore, and which I plan to sell before going out there. The transit system in Vancouver is apparently top rate so I don't worrry much about that.

    I have furniture, most of it fairly nice, but alot of it also nice like ikea nice, so parting with it would not be terrible. I have a brand new leather couch that I hate to leave behind but know I can sell to my dad as new, so I can replace that. I think I'll basically be going with clothes, my Vespa, and my turntable and all my records. I plan on selling off alot of my life.

    I looked into U haul, and it's like thousands of dollars. Thousands.

    I also know that a mover will be thousands.

    SO sheesh, apparently rail is the way to go, or so I've been told. I'm checking it out currently.
  • Getting a ball hitch on your car is a few $100 and so is renting the larger trailer, that's what I did and i fit a couch and 2 rooms of stuff (some ikea take apart stuff) including a 40" tv, etc.

    Something to consider, just make sure you drive at a time when themountain passes are open and that your car can make it up those mountains while towing.

    That's the only cheap option if you want to move some stuff, otherwise like you said very expensiive.
  • Man it's so beautiful out there. Mind you I have never seen so many homeless kids in my life. The weather is fantastic. Once you get settled in and find a job I would suggest renting a Harley for a weekend and cruise BC.
  • Harley????

    Man, I['ve been a collector of vintage scooters since I was 17, a harley would absolutely kill me.

    I was actually thinking more of renting a jeep and driving down the pacific coastline. How'd that be?
  • dinobot wrote:

    Maybe I can take tournament poker lessons from Harthgosh, and pay the rent that way.

    I suck at tourneys. I assume you are being sarcastic.
    Im more of a shorthanded limit specialist.
  • harthgosh wrote:
    dinobot wrote:

    Maybe I can take tournament poker lessons from Harthgosh, and pay the rent that way.

    I suck at tourneys.  I assume you are being sarcastic.
    Im more of a shorthanded limit specialist.

    I figured with all your DIng Ding DIngs, you're at the very least a far better tourney player than me. You = Better = lessons = rent was the equation I came up with.

    I am being very sarcastic about paying the rent with poker, but you certainly seem a skilled player.

    I also play shorthanded mostly, and although I'd hardly call myself a specialist, I do find I win the majority of my money there.
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